Christmas Trees in Changing Times


With Global warming threatening to change Life on Earth for ever, we have to change our habits and come up with  lifestyles that support sustainability on the planet. To this end, we are set to  reduce our plastic waste and  replace oil with green energy; but what about the holidays? It has been estimated that in Britain alone, the  Christmas and New Year holiday season accounts for two tones of extra rubbish. You can do the math for the rest of the world.

So, aren’t there ways we can make Xmas a greener holiday? How about going the extra mile this year and  planting instead of buying a tree at Christmas? In the true spirit of the season, we’ll be giving new life to  forests  while we treat  our family and friends to a fun day trip!  The best Xmas present for our changing times! Heart warming and.. wrapping free!

Feel free to share your ideas for a ‘greener’  Xmas and, if you feel like going on to plant a tree this holiday season, do tell us how it went!

Κατηγορίες: environment, science | Ετικέτες: , , | Γράψτε σχόλιο

Glasgow 2021: Climate Change – A Race Against Time

Κατηγορίες: environment, science | Ετικέτες: , , | Γράψτε σχόλιο

What is a Friend like in Popular Novels? Match the phrases from popular novels to their meaning


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Show Me your Friend


Where do you look for friendships?

Most of the times, you would expect that friends are similar, for example they are the same age or they attend the same classes or work together. They might share the same interests and have some things- or o lot- in common. However, life is not about uniformity. Life is about diversity. Millions of different animal and plant species make up our world and each one of them-even the tiniest- is playing a big part in sustaining Life. The same goes for colors or music. It’s the bringing together of different shades and notes that we love.

Diversity includes change. Everything changes around us. We ourselves undergo change all our life; we grow taller, older and wiser.  We learn things all the time. Our emotions change too. The philosopher Heraclitus said that it is the nature of all things to constantly change- nothing ever stays the same. The same goes for friendships. Having a friend that seems different from you, helps you change for the better; when you care for your friends, you try to understand them and that’s how you learn to see life from different perspectives- yours and theirs. And what you see makes you wiser, less selfish and more sympathetic.

I think Heraclitus was right. His idea about change has made me realize that it’s worth looking for a friend in people that seem very different from us and, therefore, we shouldn’t criticize or reject too soon others. Even though we are not all the same, it’s okay to be open to change and diversity because they are in our nature. After all, isn’t that also one of the reasons we learn new languages, because we want to communicate and understand people who are-basically- strangers?

Imagine our differences as a wall we could climb over. Once on the other side, we would be able to walk away from things that stop us from connecting with other people. Imagine if things like physical appearance or ability, race, gender, national or social  background, money and peer pressure didn’t matter; then no student would feel bad or get bullied in our schools; no grown up would feel lonely, isolated or rejected. Everyone would feel accepted and appreciated despite their differences -or thanks to them. Mutual respect and friendship would grow among people. Peace would override hatred and war.

Κατηγορίες: culture | Ετικέτες: , , | Γράψτε σχόλιο

The Friendship Project

A friend is a valuable thing. Friends don’t care if you’re doing well at school ‘cause they don’t expect ‘great things’ from you; they don’t mind if you’re beautiful or ugly and they are not there to ask for favors or your money. Friends won’t be happy when you’re sad and they will celebrate good news and birthdays with you. Friends are the faces on old photographs and contacts on your phone, the most frequent voices on your messages and you have shared with them bicycle rides in the summer (or Sunday cinema outings or disagreements over a round of your favorite board game). Your friend may be a kid at school or someone you met on holidays, your mum’s best friend’s son, your cousin or your sister. The thing you must remember is that a true friend is not a given thing- it takes time and luck to find them. When you meet one-and you will meet one- keep them close to your heart ‘cause friends are a valuable thing.

Κατηγορίες: culture | Ετικέτες: | Γράψτε σχόλιο

Let’s look at some Easter traditions around Britain. Many of them remind me of Easter customs around Greece.What do you think?

Easter customs in the U.K.

Κατηγορίες: culture | Ετικέτες: | Γράψτε σχόλιο

April Fool’s Day

An ancient tradition across many cultures. Have fun!

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My Favourite Art… by the school’s senior students

Human Immigrant (1)

by Elianna Moraiti

The girl before

by Natalia Papagianni

The Stone Breakers ( 2018)

by Nellie Bravou


by Loukas Papaloukas and John Protopapas

Κατηγορίες: culture | Ετικέτες: | Γράψτε σχόλιο

Healthy Eating Habits

Eat Fast (and?) Stay Healthy!?

<<Most  people eat fast food because it is an easy,cheap and quick way to eat, although they know that it is unhealthy. But we are here to change this opinion and to show how we can make our favourite fast food healthier.>>


  • Look around for the best eat-out places.
  • Insist on better quality ingredients.
  • Make sure you get value for money…
  • Go for fruit instead of cake for dessert.
  • Avoid fizzy drinks, drink fresh juice.
  • Ask for olive oil to be used in frying.
  • Cut down on the  salt and sugar added.
  • Order some  green salad on the side instead of fries.
  • Prepare your own fast food at home!
  • There is plenty of  easy-to-make food  instead of junk food,  for example  fruit salad , home made sandwiches and ice cream.
  • Learn about healthy eating and update your friends and family too!
Κατηγορίες: culture | Ετικέτες: , , | Γράψτε σχόλιο

European Day of Language, 26th Sept.Our school celebration

Follow the link below to see what our class is preparing.


2014-09-28 21.00.22

The Language Tree: a fun and educating game we played in class on September 26th.

The Language Tree: a fun and educating game we played in class on September 26th.



Κατηγορίες: culture | Ετικέτες: , , , | Γράψτε σχόλιο