
The English Language blog of the 11th Primary School of Palaio Faliro

School Activities


For the current school year our School is engaging in the following English Language activities:

eTwinning projects

Two eTwinning projects are currently implemented in our school:

“Γνωρίζοντας την Ελλάδα παρέα με τους φίλους μου” https://school-education.ec.europa.eu/el/etwinning/projects/gnorizo-tin-ellada-me-toys-filoys-moy/twinspace

from the students of E’ class in collaboration with the class teachers Mr Polyzois Babouras (the project founder) & Ms Voula Papadpoulou implemeted in the Greek and English Language and 20 more schools from all over Greece. The project deals with the presentation of aspects f our coutry, geographical, cultural and social.

“Greentopia-Our Sustainable Home” https://school-education.ec.europa.eu/el/etwinning/projects/greentopia-our-sustainable-home/twinspace

from the students of ST2 class with the collaboration of the teacher of French Ms Sofia Beltekas. The project deals with the notion of sustainability in our homes, school and towns. Participant schools are from Greece (4 schools), France (the founding school), Poland & Malta.

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For the current school year our School is engaging in the following English Language activities:

eTwinning projects

Two eTwinning projects are currently implemented in our school:

“What’s your Story” https://twinspace.etwinning.net/192825/home

from the students of D’ class. It is a project discovering and reviving European myths, legends and folktales through the use of Web 2.0 tools. Participant Schools are from Malta (founder country), Greece (3 schools -our school is the co-founder), Turkey, Czech Republic, Croatia & Bulgaria

“H.O.P.E.-Have Only Positive Energy https://twinspace.etwinning.net/196346

from the students of ST class. It is a project dedicated to Positive Thinking and Happiness. It aims at boosting and encouraging the notion of a positive attitude both in relation to students themselves, towards others and the communty. Our School is the founding school for this project and participant schools are from Greece (5 schools), France (co-founder), Poland, Croatia, Moldova and Turkey.

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Εργαστήρια Δεξιοτήτων-Skills Lab “Τα Καταφέρνω μια χαρά”

The project is implemented in collaboration with the Special Education class of our school and it involves students attending the Special Education class and the students of ST class. It is a project on mental resilience, positive thinking, empathy and positive action towards ourselves, the people we live with and our comunity.

The 1st part of the labs concentratind on Positive Thinking and Self-Worth is completed.

IMG 2695IMG 2510Mentimeter Wordcloud BAlways Be Happy ST2Oddy ST1Christine M. ST2IMG 2928IMG 3065 1IMG 3075IMG 3072IMG 3058IMG 2683IMG 2940

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