Αγγλικά 4ου Δ.Σ Πτολεμαϊδας

Our English Classroom records- follow us!

Εργασίες Ε’ τάξης

Letters to Sweden

Νοέ 202321



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Etwinning project “Building Bridges by Literature” by E class of Ptolemaida 4th Primary, Greece with Lyckeby of Sweden, and Biella, Italy.

for October we had to send letters by land post to our new friends! It is such a fun activity! We are waiting for letters from Sweden and we sent them ours!

1C855A20 7DFC 4EC0 87CB EE5376247D5C 374752D6 EE4E 4A1D AD7D 051E36642FBD 45CB11A5 D854 42EB 991E 3D3A684B531A 47AF884F 7162 49B5 B66E A607FCD21A5F EE523B72 A72C 4A60 A56C A05B01F91316 408F7E0F 8528 4DF3 8124 9D5358C8F78D



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Holiday time!

Ιούν 202313

6D2F24B1 055F 4EDC BEE5 7FA7A3B0628C 05E429F7 05E2 483A 90C8 40C3E073DA95 48FC569E BD08 4E42 A155 A646E97AAEA1

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Postcards from Croatia, end of etwinning project “all about us in grade 5”

Ιούν 20239
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And here are the answers to our postcards to Pisarovina, Croatia! thank you to all the students who participated and made such great new friends! see you all in September with a continued correspondence!57BC9D33 49A3 4C01 B264 B10A71693CFA A513CCEE 9AEB 4750 9ABA 6066EA91D6DB 1249E97E 63B5 4526 9E30 A37DEA4077A3 46742210 F1A2 4FF3 8A2E 515229D469C3 4504CB6D C777 4E19 BDD3 A0184F1A0FF1 7269F633 CC93 405C A94A 060E6DE214A0 16F1B25B 0DDB 4626 8D65 496474A897C2 27A5DA4F 3E97 4B0B B617 705D66EE39AE 22E3E958 D78F 4B50 8DE7 168BDDF726E5

FB27AB4D 5AC6 44FF BF98 8B2FBC9ECB61 51DCDCE1 760B 4028 90EE 67D374A63791 669309D5 7DC0 49CF B37C 07F6A6ADDB71 C2D2E913 379C 498E B9AD 65E6C2A36E4D 180C538A 6DE1 45F4 9EBE 05F6B71E6122 755A0773 180E 44F7 B138 81C17990BCE1 CF4ECC86 89C4 4914 88A9 A9148B2A41DC 07900AC2 C619 4923 BEB3 B8EC5809F41C 15130197 B111 43B5 AB09 19EAF0F2232A

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Etwinning “All about us in grade 5” postcards, flags and maps

Ιούν 20237
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At the end of our etwinning project, we received the last postcards from Recica, Croatia and the students tried to read the cursive English (καλλιγραφικά) that the Croatian students wrote in. What a nice challenge for our reading skills!449BEF54 8273 4133 8ADA 15D3460168D0 34BA0319 C94E 4F53 9912 6ED749C74223 EB4890B5 7ABB 4300 8160 393037B4B435 29D47306 C555 471C 9842 893C62748E4E AF432D8A CD52 4BB7 B129 9F11DE3491E5 EF45197A 520A 42BC 8DDF BFE998896CF9 A4156BC8 B691 4B3D 8774 868709241925 6AE37234 7AFF 434A 8DBD A4C04723DDE3


We also show you the flag and map that the project asked us to create. We researched the colors of the flag of our partner country. E99F0BAB DCEA 4D03 99FE 7D2AAA2ED9A293AAB10B DB34 40D8 BC82 EBFD1916595EE5527387 6A38 4618 AF6E 8C5335315C4BA521FED8 D943 4234 8BFF 436B43B63A9EEA48CCBF 8A8B 4D78 A4E7 833136A0CC7E

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Pen friends from Italy!

Μάι 202315
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Italy and Greece students became penfriends! We write letters to each other. It is the best experience! 132D0D6B 92EB 496D BD4E 16051894454D F6FCD5F2 CE53 436C 9848 7A1F9CB76205 A1B21D1D 3F94 4E68 9E9B 3F9B9EBCACE5 C1E54AF3 D78D 48EB 9793 E1D882F9FC16 794B3A9F A95F 4368 9723 D265DA211347

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Preparing food for eTwinning “All about us in Grade 5” project

Μάι 20238
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Greek traditional food, E class, prepared for our  Croatian partner in our eTwinning project “All about us in Grade 5”

We are making a collaborative book. Here are some of the things we cook for Croatia. We will upload more videos AND our collaborative book very soon!

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Mystery story by E1 class

Μάι 20233

Συνεργαζόμαστε ομαδικά, χρησιμοποιώντας αόριστο και την φαντασία μας, και σε 25’ έχουμε ετοιμάσει μια ιστορία μυστηρίου.

Δείτε τις ιστορίες μας εδώ, και στη συνέχεια θα έχουμε προσθέσει και εικονογράφηση ώστε να γίνει το τελικό αποτέλεσμα ελκυστικό για τους αναγνώστες μας. Στο τέλος της χρονιάς οι ιστορίες μας θα δημοσιευτούν και σε εκτυπωμένη έκδοση στην σχολική εφημερίδα που δουλέψαμε μέσα στο διδακτικό έτος.marina mysteryC7B4810E A01A 4E14 860E 8A230A1CD262 96191429 4263 4FF6 9725 73C137866EFF416323EA 8A3C 42E0 B77F 3B9E3C2E9FF2 3630F4BA E1CA 416D 85AE BC008B6C7C40D097EFC7 4196 40D1 972E 6DEEC8D9D8C6

κάτω από: School newspaper, Γενικά νέα, Εργασίες Ε' τάξης | | Δεν επιτρέπεται σχολιασμός στο Mystery story by E1 class

Biographies of amazing people of the past

Απρ 20236

2583975C 76E2 4E42 BE0E 845742DDBC42

4F679FF8 E127 4C83 BBB1 B4E2E8C70758 2952F5F6 AFE3 4A4D A1B1 C7A3BD243C2D AE50D909 5B48 4BE2 9478 0F78CF0A5221

503F393F 3480 4610 A581 2441C08C56AF 2514E21C 9238 4B3B 9D6F 0A3054000165 B8EB641A 1C16 4D3E BF03 1C4B52AE3570 A6090154 0DBB 4008 B838 835916947301 23684531 FC93 4958 8D48 EF96F76AF3C6

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Comic book by E class

Μαρ 20236

Our teacher asked us to create a comic strip with a story of our imagination. We will print it if you like it! Can you vote for the best comic strip? Votes happen after Sunday 12 March 2023. Write a comment with your winner. Διαβάστε όλο το άρθρο »

School newspaper vol.2

Φεβ 20234


January-February 2023

we show you our favorite cars! Which is the best?Εικόνα εργασίας από χαρτόνι που δείχνει μια μωβ λαμποργκινι


It is a big confortable car with big tyres and strong breaks.

It is super fast and very expensive.

It is the best model of the company

and it belongs to the hyper car category!!

It has 8.0L, 1.600hp and top speed 380km/h.

Μy favourite car

This is my favourite car

Car brand: A class Mercedes


The road to go is very easy and fast.

Its expensive car but I like that car very much!!

The color of car is light grey and has comfortable seats .index


Internesion with Mrs Olga,who is a distinguished gymnast at the 4th primary school of Ptolemaida.

OUESTION:How many years do you work in school? ANSWER:32 years

QUESTION:Which is your favourite sport? ANSWER:Basketball

QUESTION:Which is your favourite team? ANSWER:PAOK

QUESTION:Which is your favourite color? ANSWER:Black and White

QUESTION:How many years you play basketball? ANSWER:18 years

QUESTION:How many cups did you won all these years? ANSWER:8 cups


The Huyndai accent it’s a very nice car. It costs about 35 thousand € , with an engine power of 90 bhp.

Inside the car there are five sats, it’s comfortable for families and very economical in benzin (gas/petrol). It’s got a lot of storage and a nice Audio System. It’s not expensive and there is a variety of colours .


The new english classroom in our school.

The new english classroom in our school has posters of the numbers,seasons,months,maps and flags of the countries.

There are a board,desks,chairs,two clocks,bookcase and desk for the teacher.

The walls are green and white .It isn’t bright classroom but its very beautiful.

I love this class its one of my favorites!


κάτω από: School newspaper, Γενικά νέα, Εργασίες Ε' τάξης | | Δεν επιτρέπεται σχολιασμός στο School newspaper vol.2
« Παλιότερα άρθραΠιο πρόσφατα άρθρα »

Πρόσφατα σχόλια


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