Αρχική » 4. abstraction » BBC Abstraction in practice

BBC Abstraction in practice

How to abstract

Abstraction is the gathering of the general characteristics we need and the filtering out of the details and characteristics that we do not need.

When baking a cake, there are some general characteristics between cakes. For example:

  • a cake needs ingredients
  • each ingredient needs a specified quantity
  • a cake needs timings

When abstracting, we remove specific details and keep the general relevant patterns.

General patterns Specific details
We need to know that a cake has ingredients We don’t need to know what those ingredients are
We need to know that each ingredient has a specified quantity We don’t need to know what that quantity is
We need to know that each cake needs a specified time to bake We don’t need to know how long the time is

Creating a model

A model is a general idea of the problem we are trying to solve.

For example, a model cat would be any cat. Not a specific cat with a long tail and short fur – the model represents all cats. From our model of cats, we can learn what any cat looks like, using the patterns all cats share.

Similarly, when baking a cake, a model cake wouldn’t be a specific cake, like a sponge cake or a fruit cake. Instead, the model would represent all cakes. From this model we can learn how to bake any cake, using the patterns that apply to all cakes.

Once we have a model of our problem, we can then design an algorithm to solve it.

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