
Χαρίκλεια Ζηνά – Φυσικός




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Our school students Iin General Lyceum of Chrisoupoli designed a 3D simulation of a base on the Moon, using the 3D modeling tool Tinkercad. First, they were trained to use the program with simple constructions. They conducted research on the conditions prevailing on the planet as well as in space and are asked to face the challenges they encountered so that their construction met the conditions for a sustainable operation.

      The students collectively decided on the final design after researching the conditions that the construction in question must serve on the planet where they have chosen to deposit it, and different parts of it were assigned to each student. An online class has been created in Tinkercad, where the students’ progress was monitored and at the end all the artifacts in the final deliverable are linked with their description.  

Finally, all the projects were inserted in Fusion 360 to achieve a more realistic outcome.

Moon Camp is a partnership between ESA (ESERO_Greece) and the Airbus Foundation, in collaboration with Autodesk.

team certificate


Finally, we joined the final online event on 27 June where astronaut Marcus Wandt  answered questions submitted from Astro Pi and Moon Camp teams and  “The Mooncrafters” were selected to submit one!

So, our question to Marcus was: “Has your perspective on the world changed after travelling to space?” 



Images of the students’ designs:

research lab.f3d v2 research lab inside.f3d v2 research lab inside2.f3d v2  ASTRO GYM fus1.f3d v1 1 moonshelter.f3d v6 Copy of moonshelter.f3d inside v4 Observatory.f3d v5 moon rover2.f3d v2 space spy.f3d v2 test fus1 1 v1 1 SPACE BASE.f3d v1 θερμοκήπιο inside1.f3d v3 θερμοκήπιο.f3d v3 σπιτι.f3d v3hospital2 fus.f3d v2SOLAR PANELS2.f3d v5SOLAR PANELS.f3d v5

The specific program is fully governed by the basic principles applied in P.S.D, namely:

a) it is a student-centered process (encouragement of student initiative, use of participatory and active teaching techniques, use of methods such as discussion, moral dilemma, the action research, the case study and the organization of discourse based on the use of arguments, etc.),

b) serves cooperative learning according to which the active participation and interaction of the members of the working groups, but also of the groups is encouraged among them,

c) constitutes experiential and research learning, utilizing research and field study procedures,

d) serves the interdisciplinary and interdisciplinary approach to the subjects and the creative and free expression, as it falls under the imperatives of STEAM education.

    Individual goals of our participation in the program are the utilization of the benefits of STEAM education, such as:

  • Application of different forms of learning
  • Collaboration, Community, Culture
  • Bridging Theory and Practice
  • Accessibility for people with disabilities
  • Personalized learning, because not all students learn at the same pace
  • Connecting with experts, because they will speak a language that is close to that of the experts
  • Real-world scenarios and engaging learning
  • Career preparation, because in the future they will encounter these tools that will become more and more common than they are today, they will become everyday
  • Interdisciplinary Learning, because many sciences are combined
  • User friendly technology
  • Diversity and Inclusion of people with special difficulties



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