Προσωρινό…. (Από το site του 5ου Δημοτικού)
Our school is situated in Nea Smyrni, which is a suburb of Athens. The 5th Primary School Neas Smyrnis was founded in 1954 and moved to its present building in 1974. The 8th Primary School Neas Smyrnis and the 4th Kindergarten Neas Smyrnis are also housed in the same building. It is a two storey building with 20 spacious and bright classrooms.
The entrance
We are a rather small school with 160 students and a staff of 12 full time teachers and 5 part time ones. Our students are from 6 to 12 years old (grades 1-6). The average number of students per class is 27. Lessons start at 8.10 and finish at 13.15. The students who attend the all day classes finish school at 17.00.
Students are taught Greek, Maths, Science, History, Geography, Religious Education, Social Studies, Foreign Languages -English and French or German-, P.E. and Music. The students of all day classes attend, from 13.15 to 17.00, Computer courses, English, P.E. Music, Dances and Drama. They also do their homework with the help of their teachers and have lunch at school. They bring their homemade lunch and eat in a classroom that serves as our small school restaurant.
1. The festivities hall
1. The canteen 2. The lunch classroom
Some of our school facilities are a computer lab with modern equipment, a hall for the school festivities and a canteen.
Comenius corner
Break time