RECYCLING by Konstantinos Papadimoulas – June2010 Issue



by Konstantinos Papadimoulas



About a month ago, my English teacher and my classmates decided to recycle rubbish which where outside our school and in our playground. Our teacher gave us special gloves and bags.


We started picking up the rubbish and, then, we threw them in special recycling bins. It was a tiring, but very good activity, because we helped the environment to be less polluted. The most surprising thing was that we threw more than 10 bags in the recycling bin, full of plastic, paper and glass rubbish! And it was all in and around our school!

I felt very happy and excited because I did it with my friends and it was the first time that I took part in such an activity.

ΑΝΕΚΔΟΤΟ από την Μαρία Ιορδανίδου – Τεύχος Ιουνίου 2010



της Μαρίας Ιορδανίδου

Ήταν μια πεθερά πού είχε τρεις κόρες, και φυσικά τρεις γαμπρούς. Με τον πρώτον τα πήγαινε πάρα πολύ καλά, με τον δεύτερο έτσι κι έτσι και με τον τρίτο τα πήγαινε πολύ χάλια!

Μια μέρα είχε πολύ ζέστη και ήθελε να κάνει ένα τεστ για να δει πόσο την αγαπάνε οι γαμπροί της και έτσι αποφάσισε να πάει στην παραλία για να κάνει το τεστ. Πήρε λοιπόν τον πρώτο γαμπρό (αυτόν που τα πήγαινε πολύ καλά μαζί του) και πήγαν στην παραλία και έκανε πως πνιγόταν στα ψέματα. Μόλις την βλέπει ο γαμπρός τρέχει να την σώσει. Την άλλη μέρα, βρίσκει ο γαμπρός μία Lamborghini με κορδέλες και μια κάρτα: «Με αγάπη, η πεθερά σου». Συνεχίζει με τον άλλο γαμπρό το ίδιο. Την άλλη μέρα, βρίσκει και αυτός ένα ωραίο αμάξι και κορδέλες και μια κάρτα: «Με αγάπη, η πεθερά σου .Την άλλη μέρα κάνει το ίδιο στον άλλο τον γαμπρό, που δεν τα πήγαινε καθόλου καλά μαζί του. Κάνει ότι πνίγεται, αλλά αυτή την φορά πνίγεται στα αλήθεια. Δεν την σώζει ο γαμπρός και πεθαίνει στα αλήθεια !


Την άλλη μέρα, βρίσκει ο γαμπρός 1 πανάκριβο αυτοκίνητο με κορδέλες και μια κάρτα που έλεγε: «Με αγάπη, ο πεθερός σου !!!       

THE BEST CAMPING TRIP by John Alassonitis – June 2010 Issue



by John Alassonitis


Last summer, I went camping in Fthiotida. There were a lot of children that I didn’t know. 

We stayed in tents. We all had our own tents. The camping area was really big. There was a beach and all the children were going there every morning. Later, we found a lot of fields for football, for tennis, basketball and volleyball. In the camping, there were 120 children, 50 girls and 70 boys. The boys were in teams for all the sports available, but the girls had a team for basketball, tennis and volleyball.

This is a camping I liked very much, because I made lots of friends and met different people who were friendly with me, as were all of the children.

ΑΝΕΚΔΟΤΟ από τον Παναγιώτη Κεραμίδα – Τεύχος Ιουνίου 2010




από τον Παναγιώτη Κεραμίδα


Πήγε κάποιος στον γιατρό γιατί ήταν άρρωστος. Μόλις τον είδε ο γιατρός, τον εξέτασε και του είπε πως είναι βαριά άρρωστος και ότι του μένουν 10. Τότε του είπε: «Τι, 10 λεπτά, 10 ώρες, μήνες, τι? Πείτε μου να ξέρω!» Και ο γιατρός απαντά: «10,9,8…..»

AMAZON RIVER by George Kehagiadakis – June 2010 Issue



by George Kehagiadakis  


Amazon is a big river in North America. Its length is 6840 kilometers. Amazon is one of the longest rivers in the world. It got its name by the Spanish Francisco de Orlando, who sailed there in 1541-1542. During his trip, he fought against tribes of women, so he gave the river the name Amazon. Amazon is very famous for the jungle. This jungle has got the biggest forest. This forest is in danger, because people cut the trees. For more information, you can visit .

MY FUTURE JOB by Effie Tsilochristou – June Issue 2010


All of us, the 6th grade students, have dreams and hopes about our future. In one of the projects we had to do  for our English lesson, we were asked to write about our future jobs. Here are some of our dreams and hopes  for the future …  


MY FUTURE JOB, by Effie Tsilochristou 


When I was younger I wanted to be a doctor. I used to examine my dolls. Today I would like to be a military officer because I think this job expresses me. There are advantages and disadvantages in this job. The advantages are that you study for 4 years to be an officer. Also, you take lots of money. The disadvantages are that you must move on every year in another town. You have to be very careful, too.  I hope to succeed as a military officer!!!

MY FUTURE JOB by Debbie Kalogirou – June Issue 2010


All of us, the 6th grade students, have dreams and hopes about our future. In one of the projects we had to do for our English lesson, we were asked to write about our future jobs. Here are some of our dreams and hopes for the future … 

MY FUTURE JOB, by Debbie Kalogirou

“I am Debbie Kalogirou and I am twelve years old. My favorite job is that of a kindergarten teacher, so my dream is when I grow up to be a kindergarten teacher. In that job there are both pros and cons.

The pros are that you can play with children and that you feel well with them. Because you play with them, you feel like you are a child! Also, you give to the children their first knowledge.

The negative aspect is that you are responsible for children and if one child gets hurt you will be blamed.

The job of kindergarten teacher has many pros but has also a con. However, I want to be a kindergarten teacher.”

MY FUTURE JOB by Vaggelitsa Boussi – June Issue 2010


All of us, the 6th grade students, have dreams and hopes about our future. In one of the projects we had to do for our English lesson, we were asked to write about our future jobs. Here are some of our dreams and hopes for the future …

MY FUTURE JOB, by Vaggelitsa Boussi

When I was younger I wanted to be a doctor. I like this job because I can help people. I meet a lot of people and I make a lot of friends. But the worst in this job is that I will work for a lot of hours, I will be tired and I will be sad for the people I can’t help.”