There are plenty of traditional British dishes. Such as Fish’n’Chips which is fish fillets with fries, Shepherd’s Pie which has mashed potatoes and minced meat. Must not forget Traditional Chicken Pie with chicken and vegetables like peas, carrots, onions and pastry. Last but not least Chilly Con Carne with minced beef, red kidney beans served with spaghetti.

by Evi Daliani (6th Grade)



Healthy and nutritious food is very important for maintaining a good health. Healthy food involves, regular and timely food, juices, nuts, snack and  much more. A balanced diet, good food habits are essential for a healthy life. In the normal course of life, we forget to take necessary nutrition that is  required for our body and hence we tend to get into many life style diseases.  It is very essential for a person to know and understand the benefits of nature’s  creation like fruits, vegetables, nuts, etc. add these to your daily life. The value  of food is more when it is taken in a systematic manner and also by understanding the benefits of every bite we take.

by Theofania Βina & Karajouni Katerina (5th Grade)




Μέσα στη φετινή σχολική χρονιά, οι μαθητές της Δ’ Τάξης του σχολείου μας αντάλλαξαν καρτποστάλ και εργασίες γραμμένες στα Αγγλικά με τους Τούρκους συμμαθητές τους από το σχολείο İvrindi Gazievrenos İlköğretim Okulu, στην Τουρκία.

Με τη χρήση της αγγλικής γλώσσας, αντάλλαξαν πληροφορίες για τις οικογένειές τους, την πόλη τους, τα χόμπι και τα ενδιαφέροντά τους, τα σχολεία, τις τάξεις και τα μαθήματα που διδάσκονται. Στο Σχολείο μας απονεμήθηκε Ετικέτα Ποιότητας για το Έργο που ανέλαβε μέσω του προγράμματος ηλεκτρονικής αδελφοποίησης eΤwinning.

Συγχαρητήρια στους μαθητές της Δ’ Τάξης που, εξασκώντας την αγγλική γλώσσα, κατόρθωσαν να εκφραστούν, να μεταδώσουν τον πολιτισμό μας και να αντλήσουν χρήσιμες πληροφορίες για το πώς ζουν και τι συνήθειες έχουν οι συνομήλικοι τους στην Τουρκία, σε μια πόλη κοντά στη δική τους!

WHAT’S YOUR FAVOURITE SONG? by our 6th graders – June Issue 2010



George Alkaios (Eurovision 2010) 
 Έκαψα το χθες, νύχτες μου παλιές,
θρύψαλα οι αναμνήσεις έγιναν κι αυτές
Μνήμες και φωνές άδικες ευχές
κι άφησα σε μια γωνία ανοιχτές πληγές
Έκαψα το χθες νύχτες μου παλιές
όνειρα και εφιάλτες ρίχνω στις φωτιές
Δάκρυα καυτά ψέματα πολλά
μοιάζουν σα βουβή ταινία που δεν βλέπω πια

Βάζω μια φωτιά
σ’ όλα τα παλιά
όλα θα τ’ αλλάξω
και θα το φωνάξω
περασμένα ξεχασμένα κι όλα απ’ την αρχή ξανά

 My favourite song is “OPA”. I like this song very much because it has as a title the Greek word “OPA”. This song is sung by George Alkaios and you can hear the Greek musical instrument which is called “lira”. It expresses happiness, joy. We say “OPA” when we happy or when we dance. The rhythm is both traditional and modern. (Vasso Baglatzi)

“OPA” was the Greek song for the Eurovision contest in 2010. From this song I understand that we must forget about the past and care about the present and the future. This song has a great rhythm and you can dance to it! (Debbie Kalogirou) 


Lady Gaga 

Just a second, it’s my favorite song they’re gonna play
And I cannot text you with a drink in my hand, eh…
You shoulda made some plans with me,
you knew that I was free.
And now you won’t stop calling me;
I’m kinda busy.
Stop callin’, stop callin’,
I don’t wanna think anymore!
I left my hand and my heart on the dance floor.
Stop callin’, stop callin’,
I don’t wanna talk anymore!
I left my hand and my heart on the dance floor.
Eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh…
Stop telephonin’ me!
Eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh…
I’m busy!
Eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh…
Stop telephonin’ me!
Eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh, eh…

My favourite song is “Telephone” by Lady Gaga. There is a girl who is in jail and is tired of her phone, because her boyfriend calls her all the time. Then, after she’s done her service, she goes out with her best friend, Beyonce, and they kill some people with poison and they are wanted – to be continued… (Jim Mortos) 


Alexander Rybak 

Years ago, when I was younger
I kinda liked, a girl I knew
She was mine, and we were sweethearts
That was then, but then it’s true.
I’m in love, with a fairytale
even though it hurts,
cause I don’t care if I lose my mind
I’m already cursed
Every day, we started fighting
Every night, we fell in love
no one else could make me sadder
but no one else could lift me high above
I don’t know what I was doing
when suddenly we fell apart
nowadays I cannot find her,
but when I do we’ll get a brand new start
I’m in love, with a fairytale
even though it hurts,
cause I don’t care if I lose my mind
I’m already cursed
She’s a fairytale, yeah
even though it hurts
cause I don’t care if I lose my mind
I’m already cursed

 I like this song because it talks about a story of love and the lyrics are too emotional. It can be heard by people of all ages and it is a song which includes classical music, for the people who like culture. Something else that I like is the rhythm and the voice of the singer. (Alexia Anastasiou)


Michael Jackson

We could fly so high
Let our spirits never die
In my heart I feel
You are all my brothers
Create a world with no fear
Together we’ll cry happy tears
See the nations turn
Their swords into plowshares
We could really get there
If you cared enough for the living
Make a little space to make a better place.
Heal the world
Make it a better place
For you and for me and the entire human race
There are people dying
If you care enough for the living
Make a better place for
You and for me.
There are people dying if you care enough for the living
Make a better place for you and for me.
There are people dying if you care enough for the living
Make a better place for you and for me.

This is my favourite song, because it talks about the poor families and the hungry children. It is a song which talks about a better place for children and for all people in the world. If we try, we will manage to save the world from dying. If we try, we will manage to make a better place for all people in the world. Let’s make it a better place for all of us. (Georgia Sideridou)


Selena Gomez 

Everybody tells me that it’s so hard to make it,
it’s so hard to break it,
and there’s no way to fake it.
Everybody tells me that it’s wrong what I’m feeling,
I shouldn’t believe in,
the dreams that I’m dreamin’.
I hear it everyday,
I hear it all the time.
I’m never gonna amount to much
but they’re never gonna change my mind.
Tell me, tell me, tell me,
something I don’t know.
Tell me, tell me, tell me,
something I don’t know.
How many inches in a mile?
What it takes to make you smile.
Getcha not to treat me like, a child, baby

My favourite song is “Tell me Something I Don’t Know”. I like this song because it has very meaningful lyrics and it has a great rhythm that makes you want to dance! This song talks about a young girl who hears the same things all the time. Because of this, she is bored. She wants to hear something new. (Effie Tsilochristou)

THE EIFFEL TOWER by Alexia Anastasiou – June 2010 Issue



by Alexia Anastasiou  

 The Eiffel Tower is a metallic tower which was built on the Champ de Mars in Paris by Gustav Eiffel. The tower, which has been made of iron, weighs 7.175 tones. The research for its creation, which included the creation of more than 5.300 designs, shows the details of the 18.038 parts of it. 1.050.846 nails have been used for its design!

The tower has the shape of a square pyramid and it also has three floors. The first is located in a height of 57,63m from the surface of the ground. The second reaches up to 115,73m. They both have restaurants, where you can have meals. The third floor is at the height of 276,13m. This last floor has the dome which composes the crown of the tower. In the year 2000, a lighthouse was placed on top of the tower, at the height of 300.51m from the ground.

The Eiffel Tower is one of the most beautiful sights in the world and its beauty attracts thousands of people every year. So, I recommend that you visit it!

ANIMALS IN DANGER by our 4th graders – June 2010 Issue



by our 4th grade students


As part of a project for their English lesson, the 4th grade students of our school have found information and written about animals in danger. Here is some of their work: 


by Vaggelitsa Papadimoula & Christina Houliara

 Pandas live in China. It looks like a bear. It eats bamboo. It has babies, usually one. It has babies once a year. They aren’t many pandas because people hunt them. We can help save the pandas not disappear if we don’t let people kill them.   


by Anastasia and Mary Androniadou

 The wolf lives in North America, in Asia and in the Middle East. However, the constant hunting has reduced the number of wolves living in these areas. How do wolves look like?  The wolf is the ancestor of the dogs. This means that dogs came from it. However, its neck is thicker than the dogs’, so it is more difficult to move. Its skull is bigger in connection with its body and it has 42 teeth and 2 very big teeth, too. During the winter, its fur is grey, but during the summer the fur turns into yellow. Breeding: Wolf is a monogamous species and finds another wolf for a lifetime. The breeding period starts from February to April. The female wolf has 4-5 babies every year. Food: They eat elks, wild pigs, wild goats, sheep, cows, rabbits and grass. Dangers: The wolves are in a big danger. Poisoned food, hunting, destroying forests are the most serious dangers wolves face. So, to sum up, all of us should help to save the wolves left. Arcturos is an organization which helps animals that are in big danger. So, visit the site for more information on how to help.  


by Tina Pappa

 The Chinese giant salamander is the largest in the world, reaching a length of 180 cm, but, nowadays it is rarely to reach that size. It has a large head, small eyes and very poor eyesight. Its skin is dark and wrinkly. It lives in the rocky mountain streams and lakes in China and feeds on insects, frogs and fish. The female lays 500 eggs in an underwater breeding cavity, which is guarded by the male until the eggs hatch after 50-60 days. The Chinese salamander ways 15,25 -30 kg and is 1,15 cm in length. The Chinese salamander is considered critically endangered due to habitat loss, pollution and over-collecting, as it is considered a delicacy and used in traditional Chinese medicine. It has been listed as of the top-10 “focal species” in 2008 by the Evolutionary Distinct and Globally Endangered Project.  


by Maria Mylona

 Panda is a big wolf. It lives in China. Its weight is 86-125 kilos. It has colour white and black. It is 1,20-1,90 metres long. It eats bamboo. All pandas are very beautiful. Today, there are only 1600 pandas.  The WWF protects them.  

by Kostas Boudis

 The brown bears have got a lot of teeth, two legs, two arms, big eyes; they are fat and have sharp claws. They live in the mountains Pindos and Rodopi. They eat ants, fish, small animals and fruits. They are in danger because people hunt them.

by Ioanna Vanikioti

 The tiger lives in the jungle. It looks like a big cat. The tiger gives birth to babies. It has five to six babies every year. The tiger eats wolves, wild goats, iguanas, tortoises and lizards. Today there are not many tigers. They live in Africa and there are only 100.000 on the planet. We can help them by not buying things made of their fur. We must love animals and not kill them. 

by Panos Koletas

 The brown bear is the biggest flesh-eating animal of European forests. Its height is two metres when it stands on its two back feet. Its weight is more than 300 kilos. Its fur is brown and thick. Actually, it’s an animal that eats everything: meat, fruits, roots, honey. The brown bear is an animal that lives in loneliness, except for the summer, which is the period for reproduction. It has one or two babies per year. We have to protect the brown bear and help it to live free. 

by Costas Mamalis

 The Mediterranean Monk seal “Monachus – monachus” is one of the most endangered mammals in the world. The Greek waters now host 250 seals at the North Aegean, Sporades, Crete, etc. Their face looks like a little dog, without ears, and there are whiskers under their nose. The size of an adult seal is about 2,5 metres and the weight of a seal is between 260 and 340 pounds. The monk seal can live more than 20 years free in nature. The breeding season is mainly during the months of May-November and it gives birth only to one seal. Seals feed with fish of various kinds, octopuses, etc. The natural enemies of the monk seal are the whales, sharks and orcas. The human are the greatest enemy of all animals.  

by John Agorastos

 The brown bear appeared 35 million years ago. From the 19th century, their population is decreasing dramatically due to hunting. In France, Italy and Spain the total number doesn’t exceed 200. In Greece, there are around 150 in the mountains of Pindos and Rhodope.  The brown bear eats wild fruits, roots and mushrooms. It also likes honey. It is naturally aggressive. It can climb trees and stand on its two rear legs. In winter, it falls into slumber for 4-5 months. The female gives birth to one or two small bears, which are naked and blind.  Today, the hunting of the brown bear is forbidden by law.

RECYCLING by Konstantinos Papadimoulas – June2010 Issue



by Konstantinos Papadimoulas



About a month ago, my English teacher and my classmates decided to recycle rubbish which where outside our school and in our playground. Our teacher gave us special gloves and bags.


We started picking up the rubbish and, then, we threw them in special recycling bins. It was a tiring, but very good activity, because we helped the environment to be less polluted. The most surprising thing was that we threw more than 10 bags in the recycling bin, full of plastic, paper and glass rubbish! And it was all in and around our school!

I felt very happy and excited because I did it with my friends and it was the first time that I took part in such an activity.