THE EIFFEL TOWER by Alexia Anastasiou – June 2010 Issue



by Alexia Anastasiou  

 The Eiffel Tower is a metallic tower which was built on the Champ de Mars in Paris by Gustav Eiffel. The tower, which has been made of iron, weighs 7.175 tones. The research for its creation, which included the creation of more than 5.300 designs, shows the details of the 18.038 parts of it. 1.050.846 nails have been used for its design!

The tower has the shape of a square pyramid and it also has three floors. The first is located in a height of 57,63m from the surface of the ground. The second reaches up to 115,73m. They both have restaurants, where you can have meals. The third floor is at the height of 276,13m. This last floor has the dome which composes the crown of the tower. In the year 2000, a lighthouse was placed on top of the tower, at the height of 300.51m from the ground.

The Eiffel Tower is one of the most beautiful sights in the world and its beauty attracts thousands of people every year. So, I recommend that you visit it!