

Κατηγορίες: Αθλητισμός | Ετικέτες: | Δεν επιτρέπεται σχολιασμός στο Κολύμβηση

Φυσική Αγωγή


Κατηγορίες: Αθλητισμός | Ετικέτες: | Δεν επιτρέπεται σχολιασμός στο Φυσική Αγωγή

Στη Σικελία


Με το ερασμους Σικελια

Teatro Greco

syracuse, Sicily

Κατηγορίες: erasmus+ | Ετικέτες: | Δεν επιτρέπεται σχολιασμός στο Στη Σικελία

οι τοίχοι του σχολείου

“School walls”
Erasmus plus KA229 
The idea of the partnership is based on “Future Classroom Lab” by European Schoolnet in Brussels. The lab is an inspirational learning environment, challenging visitors to rethink the role of pedagogy, technology and design in their classrooms.
The lab considers space a significant factor in learning and suggests the transformation of the school space in combination with a change in pedagogical approaches.
The Future Classroom Lab is formed by six different learning spaces
1. Investigate
2. Create
3. Present
4. Interact
5. Exchange
6. Develop
Six Secondary Education schools join the partnership Applicant:
Gennadi Gymnasium, Rhodes Greece
1. Agrupamento de Escolas de São João da Talha in Portugal
2. M. Preti – A. Frangipane in Italy
3. Fyllingsdalen High School in Norway
4. Lapua Upper Secondary in Finland
5. IES El Sobradillo in Spain
There will be six short-term meetings, one in each country involving two students and two teachers from each school.
The objectives of the project include two actions
1. The production of guidelines containing a) suggestions and b) steps for the creation of future classroom lab
2. Classrooms reorganised to support changing styles of teaching and learning, based on the learning spaces of Future Classroom Lab in partner schools.
Κατηγορίες: erasmus+ | Ετικέτες: | Δεν επιτρέπεται σχολιασμός στο οι τοίχοι του σχολείου