A DAY IN MY LIFE – November 2009 Issue


by Maria Ekizoglou (5th Grade)

My name is Maria Ekizoglou. I am 10 years old and I go to the fifth class of Primary School. I get up at 7 o’clock because I have to go to school. I eat my breakfast. Then, I wear my clothes and my shoes. I brush my teeth and make my hair. Then, I go to school.

At school, we learn Maths, Language, Geography, Physical Education, History, Music, English, German and Physics. School starts at 8:15 and ends at 1:30 or 1:55. In school we have six teachers.

Then, I get home from school and I do my homework. I eat my lunch and I study for my English and German afternoon lessons. Then, I go to my English school and after that I go to my German school. After that, I get home and play with my friends. Then, I go to the ballet school. I like dancing very much.

Before I go to bed I watch TV and I eat my dinner. There are many programs on TV but my favourite is the “X-Factor”. I go to bed at ten o’clock because it’s time to sleep.

FUTURE SCHOOLS – November 2009 Issue


by Chris Plastaras (6th grade)

I think schools in the future will be fantastic! Why do I think that? Because we all see that technology moves forward.

Schools in the future will have computers and children will have computers, too. They will probably not have a board to write on. Maybe there will not be human teachers, because there will be robot teachers that will teach the subjects in a very simple way. All children will have a robot and, when a child is ill, a robot will go to his/her house. The students will eat in school and do their homework there. There will also be a flying bus to take the children from home and return them from school.

I hope schools in the future will be fantastic, very good and funny!