Αρχική » BBC micro:bit » Sensing temperature with the micro:bit Microbit Educational Foundation



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Sensing temperature with the micro:bit Microbit Educational Foundation

Sensing temperature with the micro:bit

The BBC micro:bit is packed with sensors, and each one has its own video guide. They make a great learning tool for your students. Short animations explain concepts around inputs, processors and outputs in familiar contexts.

Our temperature sensing video explains:

  • what a sensor is
  • that temperature sensors are used in many homes
  • how thermostats work, taking and displaying temperature readings
  • how those readings are used to switch heating systems on and off
  • how they keep your home at a comfortable temperature
  • how the micro:bit’s built-in temperature sensor works

The video and three temperature projects allow your students to build their own environmental sensing systems with the micro:bit:

  • Make a digital thermometer that shows the current temperature on the micro:bit’s LED display
  • Record maximum and minimum temperatures over time
  • Create a thermometer that converts units from Celsius to Fahrenheit

Each project progresses your students through more advanced coding concepts and making greater use of the micro:bit’s features. They make great starters for computer science, maths or science lessons or larger environmental projects.

Start sensing temperatures


More productive coding lessons with micro:bit classroom

Our free coding tool micro:bit classroom is designed to make it easier to manage programming lessons, whether face-to-face, remote, or even a mixture of both.

  • Set up a lesson in seconds
  • Share code with your students
  • Capture every student’s work with one click
  • Resume a whole-class coding session next lesson
Get teaching with micro:bit classroom

Cleaning and safety tips

Our support site is packed with great ideas and tips. Check out this guide to keeping micro:bits clean and safe when they’re being handled in class.

Guide to cleaning your micro:bits
micro:bits, cardboard, glue, tin foil

Share your classroom creativity

Keep in touch with us on Twitter and Facebook – we love hearing about what your students are making with the micro:bit!

Best wishes,

Giles Booth, Education Content Manager, Micro:bit Educational Foundation.


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