Etwinning 2021- 2022

Nature friendly kids

This year the 3rd class of our school participate in the project called . Countries which participate in this project are Poland, Turkey, Romania, Greece. It concerns the role of stutents to the nature and how they can protect it.
Nature can manage itself. Nature can renew itself. As a human species, we have to keep up with nature’s calendar and nature’s own functioning. With this project, we want to provide this awakening for our students aged 7-11. We want to create respect for nature and its rules.

Names of students who participate in the project

Our school

code week 

We participated in the code week and in safer internet day

Safer Internet Games With Nearpod Web 2.0 Tool

A Picture of Nature Through the Eyes of a Child

If nature had a language, what would it say?

Nature is waking up


22 March, world water day

Planting plants in the school garden





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