Sometimes, the best answer is a more interesting question – Terry Pratchett

» Περιηγήστε στο: Μάιος2012

And as “the world is closing in”, and you look for the winds of change…. …you realise that it’s just another episode, of gone with the wind…

Κατηγορία: 7 Μαΐου, 2012 - 7:50 μμ - Σχόλια » 69

It’s raining men!!!! (Quite literally, actually…) (Or women… can’t really tell at this distance! :-P) The Hunger Games… (Well, till all the souvlaki was ready to eat, at least, lol!) Kids+Jungle Speed=Pain 😛 Kiribati? Seriously? Who knows that?

Κατηγορία: 3 Μαΐου, 2012 - 3:32 μμ - Σχόλια » 69