Από τις πρωινές ατάκες στα γραφεία στη Νομαρχία:
– Άλα Φεστιβάλ ο σακάτης!!! (Χιχι…)
– Από που κλείνει αυτή η καταραμένη μουσική στο φουαγιέ (μετά από 4 ώρες που έπαιζε το ίδιο cd…)?
The opening ceremony was very touching with memories from the 1rst festival 10 years ago, and the songs by the Typaldos Choir!!! The kids were fantastic (and pretty handy to have around at dinner, when we run out of water), and so was everything else!
Anyway, tomorrow, Youth in Action, and a tour of the area for the workshop on “Myths – Society – Environment: Audiovisual Approaches” in the morning, a master class in the early afternoon by Alexander Kakavas, screenwriter, International Relations Consultant of the Greek Film Center, and from then on to almost midnight, the first screenings!!