Αρχική » Άρθρα με ετικέτα 'teachers'

Αρχείο ετικέτας teachers

Visual Designer for Arduino™ AVR and Raspberry Pi®


Proteus PCB Design Software



Program a teacher / Sandwich Bot

Children have to program their teacher to make a jam sandwich using basic commands. It is not as easy a it seems. You can view the planning here. http://code-it.co.uk/csplanning.html (Sandwich Making Algorithm)


The 5 Major Benefits of 3D Printing in Education

The 5 Major Benefits of 3D Printing in Education

5 major benefits of 3D printing’s impact on education

  • Creates Excitement – 3D printing offers students the ability to experience their projects from the model stage to actual creation of the model. This creates both excitement and a better understanding of the design process as they gain hands-on experience it from conception to creation. The individual features are seen more clearly as the student builds the project layer by layer. Excitement also stems from the ability to explore details in reality, not just on a screen or in a textbook. 3D printing also brings the world of theory to the physical world where students can see and touch, opening up new possibilities for learning and activities.


  • Complements the Curriculum – No matter what curriculum is being used, 3D printing can help students and teachers work better. 3D printing elevates students from being passive consumers of information on a screen with no thought given to productivity. Unlike conventional classrooms where students are easily bored, they become active and engaged participants through the conception, design, and execution of their projects and interacting with the 3D printer and the teacher.


Aims and outputs

Project aims:

  1. Develop in students basic knowledge (based on national curriculum) and a set of skills necessary for 21st century students
  2. Implement at school learners’ centered approaches based on self-regulated learning, selfreflections, peer assessment, collaborative work , etc
  3. Use of relevant technology Robotics, Coding, Computational Thinking in order to engage students in the learning process
  4. Create a schools framework to introduce innovative learning and teaching practices and this will be done through improving teachers’ competences to implement innovative teaching approaches and also prepare teachers to assses students’ learning (both knowledge and skills)

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Organizing training workshops, materials, services and resources to assist teachers design learning tasks for aligning learning goals and assessing transversal skills using ICT affordances and opportunities.

Sharing professional practice in relation to the development new learning and teaching methods and assessment of transversal skills.

A website with ten learning practices by country ready to use at the classroom on different subjects (using robotics, coding, etc)


There will be organized 5 LTTAs (one per country) lasting 5 working days:

Italy – Computational thinking;

 Turkey – Use of 3D printer;

 Poland – Circuit drawing, simulation, animation and PCB drawing: Proteus;

Romania – Own designed robotic projects;

 Greece- Open Source Coding: Scratch and Mblock Programming Languages.


Partners Gymnasio Zipariou

4 zipari

Gymnasio Zipariou is a public school on the island of Kos in the Aegean Sea. The school receives students from four small villages at a rural area around the city. It offers general secondary education and it has 25 teachers and 300 students, aged 12-15. The area of the school has received many immigrant and refugee families that work in the agricultural sector and the hotel industry. The students come from different social, financial and cultural backgrounds. The school aims at improving the education and the school life of all the students. The school promotes

  1. Integration of all students. Differentiated learning, variety of activities, different pedagogical practices and support to weak students.
  2. Active citizenship. The school supports social and personal development of students in order to prepare them as future citizens. There is an emphasis on school as a microcosm of society where students are expected to behave as active citizens.
  3. Digital citizenship. The school provides guidance for students and their families in order to prepare them for the digital era in personal and professional level. Digital competences are considered basic for further development of students
  4. Working together with families and community. The school has succeeded a close cooperation with guardians association and each family gets a special attention for the improvement of their children.
  5. European projects to support European citizenship. The school aims at students and teachers mobility in order to support communication and combat xenophobia



SCHOOL3 01 Αντιγραφή

Italy – Computational thinking;

Turkey – Use of 3D printer;

Poland – Circuit drawing, simulation, animation and PCB drawing: Proteus;

Romania – Own designed robotic projects;

Greece- Open Source Coding: Scratch and Mblock Programming Languages.


10 Reasons to Teach Coding – Sylvia Duckworth

10 Reasons to Teach Coding

  1. Coding allows students to create content, not just consume it.
  2. Coding empowers students and give them tools to express themselves in really cool ways.
  3. Coding teaches storytelling with games and animations.
  4. Coding is a place for students to take risks and fail safely.
  5. Coding is inclusive and builds self-confidence
  6. Coding supports many principles of mathematics
  7. Coding teaches problem solving and critical/analytical thinking skills
  8. Coding is a new type of literacy and will be a large part of future jobs.
  9. Coding develops teamwork and collaborative skills
  10. Coding can help humanity

Bonus: Coding gives you superpowers!

eTwinning of School 3

Logo eTwinning


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