Αρχική » Άρθρα με ετικέτα 'code'

Αρχείο ετικέτας code

Program a teacher / Sandwich Bot

Children have to program their teacher to make a jam sandwich using basic commands. It is not as easy a it seems. You can view the planning here. http://code-it.co.uk/csplanning.html (Sandwich Making Algorithm)


10 Reasons to Teach Coding – Sylvia Duckworth

10 Reasons to Teach Coding

  1. Coding allows students to create content, not just consume it.
  2. Coding empowers students and give them tools to express themselves in really cool ways.
  3. Coding teaches storytelling with games and animations.
  4. Coding is a place for students to take risks and fail safely.
  5. Coding is inclusive and builds self-confidence
  6. Coding supports many principles of mathematics
  7. Coding teaches problem solving and critical/analytical thinking skills
  8. Coding is a new type of literacy and will be a large part of future jobs.
  9. Coding develops teamwork and collaborative skills
  10. Coding can help humanity

Bonus: Coding gives you superpowers!

Learn to code and become digital makers

Free resources for young people to learn to code and become digital makers

Visit Raspberry Pi Foundation

(available in many languages)



Blocky Code games

Code games in many languages



Google Apps

How can we use Google Apps for Education to bring the Digital Technologies Curriculum to life?

Watch the video at


Linda Liukas: What computational thinking is

Linda Liukas: Crawling into a computer


eTwinning of School 3

Logo eTwinning


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