Αρχική » 3 Proteus

Αρχείο κατηγορίας 3 Proteus

LTTA 3 Poland Proteus – Agenda

Λήψη αρχείου

Visual Designer for Arduino™ AVR and Raspberry Pi®


Proteus PCB Design Software



Proteus Circuit Simulation Software

Proteus Design Suite


The Proteus Design Suite is a proprietary software tool suite used primarily for electronic design automation. The software is used mainly by electronic design engineers and technicians to create schematics and electronic prints for manufacturing printed circuit boards.

It was developed in Yorkshire, England by Labcenter Electronics Ltd and is available in English, French, Spanish and Chinese languages.
The first version of what is now the Proteus Design Suite was called PC-B and was written by the company chairman, John Jameson, for DOS in 1988. (περισσότερα…)

Proteus software for beginners

Presentation of Proteus for beginners


SCHOOL3 01erasmus 1

KA229 School Exchange Partnerships

Project code 2019-1-EL01-KA229-062930


It was observed by all our partners during education and training that rapidly growing robotic applications in education attracted the interest and attention of the students and helped them to participate classes more effectively and more enthusiastically. Preparing today’s students requires educational systems to provide a core body of knowledge as well as a set of skills needed. At the same time the rapid growth of digital tools available increase the challenges of nowadays. The high exposure of 21st century students in web 2.0 tools, devices, and environments opens a window of new affordances, challenges, opportunities, and skills for learning/teaching and assessment. (περισσότερα…)

LTTA 3 Poland photo album

Partners Zespol Szkol Ksztalcenia Ustawicznego wKrosnie


Our school is public organization. We have daily students in secondary and post-secondary level. There are also offers for training on evening and weekend classes. Besides, we organize many different short and long trainings. Students who attend our center belongs to an economic and sociocultural medium-low level. Our school is a center that shares the teachings of Secondary Education and Baccalaureate with Vocational Training of several levels, initial, medium and high degree. Over 700 students from very different conditions and profiles attend the schools. Also it has several specializations programs for students with special educational needs. Our mission: to educate the students in democratic values such as pluralism, tolerance, solidarity, etc. Education in an environment of freedom and respect for diversity. Some of the fields of Special Education our school has been participating throughout the last ten years in various European Programmes are:

  • •Alternative and augmentative communication
  • Inclusion
  • Vocational training
  • Multicultural class
  • Environmental issues
  • Multidisciplinary team work
  • Arts (theatre, music, dance, handicraft)
  • Sports as a tool for social inclusion.


Aims and outputs

Project aims:

  1. Develop in students basic knowledge (based on national curriculum) and a set of skills necessary for 21st century students
  2. Implement at school learners’ centered approaches based on self-regulated learning, selfreflections, peer assessment, collaborative work , etc
  3. Use of relevant technology Robotics, Coding, Computational Thinking in order to engage students in the learning process
  4. Create a schools framework to introduce innovative learning and teaching practices and this will be done through improving teachers’ competences to implement innovative teaching approaches and also prepare teachers to assses students’ learning (both knowledge and skills)

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Organizing training workshops, materials, services and resources to assist teachers design learning tasks for aligning learning goals and assessing transversal skills using ICT affordances and opportunities.

Sharing professional practice in relation to the development new learning and teaching methods and assessment of transversal skills.

A website with ten learning practices by country ready to use at the classroom on different subjects (using robotics, coding, etc)


There will be organized 5 LTTAs (one per country) lasting 5 working days:

Italy – Computational thinking;

 Turkey – Use of 3D printer;

 Poland – Circuit drawing, simulation, animation and PCB drawing: Proteus;

Romania – Own designed robotic projects;

 Greece- Open Source Coding: Scratch and Mblock Programming Languages.


eTwinning of School 3

Logo eTwinning


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