Αρχική » Αρθρα του/της Stella (Σελίδα 2)

Αρχείο συντάκτη Stella

mBlock Educators’ Assessment

Professional Educators’ Assessment of mBlock

Based on Scratch 3.0, mBlock is a programming software tool designed mainly for STEAM education. mBlock helps kids easily learn how to program without using new kids programming language. With this software, children can write programs and interact with different hardware. Besides, they can also get familiar with AI, the most fundamental new technology for the 21st century.

Main features of mBlock

  1. Block-based programming software based on Scratch 3.0

mBlock is a block-based programming software based on Scratch 3.0, which is one of the most popular programming software systems for children. Even if children can’t speak English or use a keyboard, they can still do the programming by dragging blocks to a certain area.

  1. Connecting with popular hardware


LTTA 5 Scratch

Happy Easter

Μετάβαση στο scratch.mit.edu.

Best Coding Language for Kids

Kids tend to learn to code better and faster when they are still young. However, it might be difficult to decide which coding language kids should learn.

scratch download

TOP3 languages that most people recommend for programming for kids:

  1. Python

As an interpreted high-level programming language for general-purpose programming, this language can be used to create video games, web frameworks, and many scientific and numeric computing projects. Companies like Google and Disney use Python.

  1. JavaScript

JavaScript makes websites interactive. For example, programmers can run it on web servers to transform simple web documents into interactive apps and games. Browsers like Google Chrome, Firefox, and Internet Explorer use JavaScript.

  1. HTML

HTML is a programming language often used by people interested in web development. When writing HTML, programmers add “tags” to the text to create the structure, and the browser knows how to display the text or graphics.

scratch download


Education Innovation Space Makeblock Education

mis pyramid

The Makeblock Education Innovation Space (MIS) is a school hub facilitating innovative learning. It’s a space where teachers and students can teach and learn, and more importantly, apply 21st century skills. Where the teacher becomes the facilitator and student led enquiry based learning-to-learn can thrive.

21st century learning@2xinnovative learning@2x




SCRATCH- Create a Story

Create a Story

Choose characters, add conversation, and bring your story to life.

Μετάβαση στο scratch.mit.edu.

SCRATCH Animate a Name

Animate a Name

Animate the letters of your name, initials, or favorite word.

Μετάβαση στο scratch.mit.edu.


LTTA 4 Romania

Λήψη αρχείου

Human robot by Barefoot

Program a Human Robot to move

bbc algo

Read more here


Five Unexpected Benefits of Robotics in the Classroom

Student with Robot

By Aaron Maurer

As teachers, we’re well aware that STEM education is essential in preparing students for today’s world of non-stop innovation.
In my 13 years of teaching I’ve seen many curriculum fads come and go, but the use of robotics in the classroom has proven to be a consistent and surefire way to teach students the STEM skills needed to prepare them for the future job market. I’ve seen firsthand how it teaches students 21st-century skills including coding, engineering and the scientific method in a fun and engaging way.
However, there are so many other incredible things that I’ve watched my students learn in addition to STEM curriculum. Here are the top five unexpected benefits I’ve seen in students who use robotics in the classroom:
1. Robotics can be a launching pad for students to realize their passions.
By going through the process of building a robot in the classroom, students explore many different learning pathways. It’s amazing to watch students’ passions grow in subjects that they never knew they would love.
Some of my students have cultivated an interest in 3D printing and coding, and have even gone as far as to take apart household appliances because they have a new-found interest in mechanics. You can watch these students build their own learning pathways because robotics offers them an open platform where they can decide where to go with their experimentations. For teachers, a robotics curriculum naturally allows us to take an individualized approach to each student’s learning, helping to nurture their passions even further. (περισσότερα…)

Greece 2nd GEL Kalymnou – Gravity

A project done by students of B class of the 2nd GEL of Kalymnos in the physics course (combining gravity and circular motion)

eTwinning of School 3

Logo eTwinning


Σαν σήμερα

26/7/1953: Υπογράφεται η Συνθήκη της Κορέας που έδωσε τέλος στον τρίχρονο πόλεμο.
Κατά τη διάρκεια του πολέμου σκοτώθηκαν 1,6 εκατομμύρια Βορεικορεάτες και Κινέζοι και 118.000 άνδρες των στρατευμάτων των Ηνωμένων Εθνών.

Αλλαγή μεγέθους γραμματοσειράς