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British Christmas Traditions

ADVENT is the period of time from the 1st December to Christmas Day. The most common way to count down advent is by a calendar which has 25 little windows on.
CHRISTMAS CRACKERS are short tubes wrapped in colourful paper. There is a cracker next to each plate on the Christmas dinner table. When the crackers are pulled (with a loud BANG!) a party hat, a toy or small present and a joke falls out!
CHRISTMAS PUDDING is the traditional dessert to the British Christmas dinner. It is a cake made with a lot of dried fruits (raisins, plums, figs), nuts and lots of brandy.
MISTLETOE was believed to have magical powers in the past. The ancient people of Britain believed that it could cure diseases, protect a house from ghosts and bring good luck! If one stands under it, he or she is kissed by someone standing close by!


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La diritta via erat măre

By Special Cable to The New York Times

“LONDON, April 2,1941–Mrs. Virginia Woolf, novelist and essayist, who has been missing from her home since last Friday, is believed to have been drowned .Mr. Woolf said tonight:”Mrs. Woolf  is presumed to be dead. She went for a walk last Friday, leaving a letter behind, and it is thought she has been drowned. Her body, however, has not been recovered.”The circumstances surrounding the novelist’s disappearance were not revealed. The authorities at Lewes said they had no report of Mrs. Woolf’s supposed death.It was reported her hat and cane had been found on the bank of the Ouse River. Mrs. Woolf  had been ill for some time.

LONDON, April 19,1941 — Dr. E. F. Hoare, Coroner at New Haven, Sussex, gave a verdict of suicide today in the drowning of Virginia Woolf, novelist who had been bombed from her home twice. Her body was recovered last night from the River Ouse near her week-end house at Lewes.The Coroner read a note that Mrs. Woolf  had left for her husband, Leonard.”I have a feeling I shall go mad,” the note read. “I cannot go on any longer in these terrible times. I hear voices and cannot concentrate on my work. I have fought against it but cannot fight any longer. I owe all my happiness to you but cannot go on and spoil your life.”

She was overcome by an illusory lassitude,intoxicated with a dazzle of rhapsodic chants and retired to bed,wasn’t she?Little do we merely know,if  Mrs. Woolf  had lost her path.What is a straight path anyway?Is it the path were redemption is lying?

Was she an observer,or was her work more of an autobiography,a hollow void inside her soul,that was filled with meticulous,surrealistic,symbolistic portrayals of succulent personas dipped in hypocrisy.Was she really a lunatic that committed a suicide because of «the voices»,or a plethora of somnolent explanations is under the peel of that dulcet,raw orange,sitting onto that old,sapphire bowl of fruits,rancid and rotten.

On the verge of becoming an independent woman,having no fierce of the opposite sex,a knell-devoured voice,sans bilge,Virginia was living in a Marxist utopia,a state-of-dreaming ,even though she was a feministic icon and beyond.Her mind was agile,her horizons broadened and her spirit fragile,but elegant and boisterous.She had that lack of soporific effect in her sophistry and was an undertoned cynic.Her emotions were beyond universe,a different dimension. She was an inspiration who created superb novels,that were more of riddles.Some of her greatest works are;A Room of One’s Own,Jackob’s Room, To the Lighthouse, Orlando,The Waves, Between the Acts and Mrs. Dalloway.Looking out of the box,now ask ourselves why such a woman of innovation ,that even Edward Albee(a famous playwright)was inspired by her and titled one of his famous plays by her name;«Who’s afraid of Virginia Woolf» and when he was interviewed by Paris Review he said, “Who’s afraid of Virginia Woolf mean who’s afraid of the big bad wolf…who’s afraid of living without false illusions”,actually joined the «imitation game»,how come? Was her character,her state,her «tabula rasa» that evanescent at the end?

The thing that is truly sure is that behind every family frame of a great marriage lies someone,blined in that love of the allegro,and then is the other.After all of this immense contribution of her in the world of literature,did she really crack because of love?Was her quoted phrase «If you do not tell the truth about yourself you cannot tell it about other people.»,out of the question?What if her truth was an interaction between fake?Underneath the horrid masks of an aesthetically pleasing society,full of blatant lies,there is still a society struggling to reach the «Belle rêve»,but is characterized unpardonable instead.Fashion industry,is attempting to climb that social ladder many a day by innovative methods,squeezing their creativity,reaching the highest zenith to become the vogue.And the looking glass does not shatter.Thus,a harmonic scream rents the air,a light breeze stirs their mind,shouting the way they want to live,their lifestyle,like the latinian noun «modus».The state of illusioning is a part of humanity,it creates and is created by humans,a de facto situation.

Generally,Virginia was a human being,sophisticated ,motivate,but still imbued with many feelings,that were tainted at last.Behind her aura,peeling the cover she was more of gold,not gilt,a true person that was underrated,betrayed and labeled by her own upper peers,neither a Goddess nor Venus,who ate too much ambrosia.

Author of the article: Michael Lazarides


The Paris Review, Edward Albee, The Art of Theater No. 4.- Interviewed by William Flanagan

Web sources:Goodreads.com, Virginia Woolf Quotes.



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Όταν το σχολείο προσεγγίζει την διαφορετικότητα.

Because our school is multicultural and supportive of diversity.


Λήψη αρχείου


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Strasbourg attack: ‘It lasted for minutes, but felt like hours’

Witnesses describe panic and shock as gunman opened fire in city’s Christmas market

It was about 7:50pm in the narrow shopping lanes of the historic centre of Strasbourg, the picturesque city known as France’s “capital of Christmas”. Streets were packed with locals and tourists gathered under festive lights shaped like gingerbread men carrying candy canes.

Related: Strasbourg shooting: gunman was listed as potential terror threat

Continue reading… Πηγή – περισσότερα: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2018/dec/12/strasbourg-attack-it-lasted-for-minutes-but-felt-like-hours

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May could offer to stand down before election to win support in confidence vote – politics live

Tory party ballot on Wednesday evening after more than 48 letters sent to Graham Brady, chair of 1922 Committee of Conservative backbenchers

4.46pm GMT

Another question from a reader.

If May wins, does that suggest a vote for her deal? Because if later the deal is rejected, what’s the point of her staying?

4.39pm GMT

There are now 160 Tory MPs who have gone on the record to say they will vote for Theresa May, my colleague Matthew Weaver reports.

Related: Confidence vote: majority of Tory MPs publicly back May

Continue reading… Πηγή – περισσότερα: https://www.theguardian.com/politics/live/2018/dec/12/tory-mps-trigger-vote-of-no-confidence-in-may-amid-brexit-uncertainty-politics-live

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Ethnic Groups in Britain – Multicultural Society

A few words about the mixture of local population and the original indigenous people.

Largest Ethnic Groups In The United Kingdom (Great Britain)

In the United Kingdom, a census is conducted after every ten years. According to the 2011 census, the United Kingdom had a total population of 63,181,775, making it the 3rd most populous in the European Union and the 22nd most populous in the world. Immigration has contributed to the high population growth that has been experienced in the country in the last decade.

The immigrants together with the natives compose the various ethnic groups in Great Britain. The indigenous British are believed to be descendants of the various ethnic groups that settled in the Great Britain before the 11th Century including the Romans, Norse, Anglo-Saxon, and Celts. The largest ethnic groups in the United Kingdom are looked at below.

  • White Europeans

White Europeans, or the White British people, are a racial classification for the people belonging to various ethnic European ancestries. In 2011, the White British population accounted for 87.1% of the entire United Kingdom’s population. The white European population included the population in the Northern Ireland. The majority of the white European (64%) in the United Kingdom is between the age of 16 and 64. White European (65%) are predominantly Christians, mostly Anglican while 25% have no religion. The unemployment rate among the White European is lower than the other ethnic group. The White European also dominates other ethnic groups in the political, social and economic sectors in the Great Britain.

  • Black British and Afro-Caribbean

Black British and the Afro-Caribbean are groups of people of the Caribbean and former British colonies who trace their origins to Africa. The Afro-Caribbean culture arose in the 16th and 17th Centuries during the triangular trade that was led by the Europeans who brought Africans to European-held colonies in the new World to work as slaves. The Africans who moved into Europe intermarried with the native Europeans leading to the formation of the Afro-Caribbean. Great Britain, France, and Netherlands have the highest number of Afro-Caribbean. In the United Kingdom, the Black British form 3% of the total population. The Black British speak a variety of English dialect. The dialect has been influenced by Jamaican Patois and the social class. Most of the Afro-Caribbean are found in big and across the United Kingdom, especially in London. The majority of Black British have faced a significant amount of racism with discrimination in employment, housing, and other social facilities. Racist Crime continues to plague the Afro-Caribbean with the media coverage of focusing more on the crimes involving the Black. The police have also been accused of racism when dealing with criminals and also when carrying out inspections.

  • Indians

The British Indian community totals over one million, thus representing 2.3% of the national population. The Indian people in the United Kingdom are of Indian origin or have their ancestry coming from India. Indian culture in the United Kingdom is similar to that practiced in India and other parts of the world. The culture is an amalgamation of different cultures which have been shaped over a long period. The culture is characterized by philosophy, literature, architecture, and music. Most of these Indian people in the United Kingdom are Buddhists and Hindus. The Indian dressing and clothing is unique and distinct and is influenced by culture. Women wear saris while men wear angarkhs. Just as with Indians anywhere else, their food often includes lentils, rice, wheat flour, and pearled barley.

Largest Ethnic Groups In The United Kingdom (Great Britain)

Rank Ethnic Group Share of Population in the United Kingdom
1 White European 87.1%
2 Black British or Afro-Caribbean 3.0%
3 Indian 2.3%
4 Multiracial 2.0%
5 Pakistani 1.9%
6 Bangladeshi 0.7%
7 Chinese 0.7%
Other Groups 2.3%
This page was last updated on June 6, 2018.
courtesy of worldatlas.com
Now that you have read the facts, let’s try the following task. After consulting the above article, answer the questions: How deeply do you reckon the immigrants have influenced the British polulation boom? Do you believe that this multicultural mixture was beneficial or unprofitable for the indigenous population?
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