Οι μαθητές του Α1/Α2 προχωρημένοι,
οι φοβεροί και τρομεροί “Spitfires“,
έγραψαν στην τάξη την περασμένη εβδομάδα
μια παράγραφο, αρχίζοντας το ετήσιο αναμνηστικό
άλμπουμ του τμήματος.
This year I am 12 years old, so I am in junior high scool. On the first day I was very stressed , because I thought the subjects would be very difficult.
But, later on, I met new friends and finally realized that things would turn out all right. My favorite teacher
is Mr “Egg‘, because he is very funny. Unfortunately, in my English class, we have “Chaterbox“, who is rather crazy and hardly ever stops talking!!!
Αγάπη Καλάρη [A2] 2011-2012
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