The Teacher's Nest

Soar means fly!

A few days ago class ST watched this amazing video just when they had finished the unit about planes and flights.

The video had such an impact on them that they decided to work in groups and let their imagination free…Here are the results:

View this document on Scribd


691 σχόλια προς “Soar means fly!”

  1.   miss L είπε:

    This is Alyce’s story on how she became a director:

  2.   Alyce Tzue είπε:

    Wow, this is amazing!! Please tell them I think their work is beautiful. I even uploaded their artwork to the SOAR Facebook Page to share with our fans!

    This whole dream of mine came true because I’ve loved drawing ever since I was a kid. Now I want to make those drawings come to life through film. Please tell them that no matter what they love, keep on doing the best they can! Work hard and dreams can come true 🙂

    •   Lenia K είπε:

      Thank you so much Alyce for your comment, for sharing our work, but most of all, for your inspiring work!!!
      We’re all looking forward to your next animation film!!!

      This is what Alyce posted on ‘Soar’ facabook page:
      ”It’s always incredibly rewarding to hear that SOAR is being used for educational purposes. Because the film has no dialogue, I’ve heard it’s especially helpful for children all over the globe to learn English, articulate emotions, and more.

      Today I was sent slides of ADORABLE fan art from twelve year old kids all the way from Greece! A big thanks for Eleni Kontolati from the 1st Primary School of Akrata for sharing!!! Your kids work is absolutely beautiful. This journey into film all started because I loved to draw 🙂 Keep on dreaming, keep in drawing!”

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