Waterwise! Το νερό με μέτρο!

Listen to the sounds of water. What words come to your mind?

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Did you know that water covers almost 71% of our planet??? This is why Earth is called the Blue Planet!λήψης




Screenshot 7 (credits: Χρύσα Γκοτζαμάνη)

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Let’s make a mindmap with words related to water

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Do the wordsearch. Can you find all 20 words?


Watch the video about forms of water and do the activity

An interesting website to visit

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Go to https://climatekids.nasa.gov/freshwater-gallery/ , look at the photos and write some sentences about them. What problems are they about?

nqdhyZjiHAcmwiWatch the presentation about the water cycle. It can be easier – in Greek.

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Activity 1      Activity 2

A serious problem is water pollution. Choose the pictures that cause sea pollution.

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Play the Use Water Wisely game.

Stories you can watch

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