Our stories


Read the e-book with the photostory “Dirty Money” written by the pupils of ΣΤ1 & ΣΤ2 using famous paintings and … not so famous pictures.


To read another story  https://issuu.com/katekaissi/docs/the_dangerous_cake.pptx




Click on Fatty Patty Problem to print the story.

Click on Dirty Money to print the story.

Click on The Dangerous Cake to print the story.

In the framework of an e-twinning project called “Let’s create a fairy tale” our school worked with the European schools of Zespół Szkolno-Przedszkolny Szkoła Podstawowa nr 2 im. Józefa Pukowca from Poland, C.P. Benjamin Palencia from Spain and Mehmet Akif Ortaokulu from Turkey to create collaboratively their own story “Superheroes”  . Congratulations, children!!






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