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“Η υποστήριξη της Ευρωπαϊκής Επιτροπής για την παραγωγή της παρούσας [έκδοσης, ιστοσελίδας, ταινίας κλπ] δεν συνιστά αποδοχή του περιεχομένου, το οποίο αντανακλά τις απόψεις μόνον των δημιουργών, και η Ευρωπαϊκή Επιτροπή δεν φέρει ουδεμία ευθύνη για οποιαδήποτε χρήση των πληροφοριών που εμπεριέχονται σε αυτό.”.

“The European Commission support for the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.”.

Η ΕΠΙΣΗΜΗ ΙΣΤΟΣΕΛΙΔΑ ΤΟΥ ΣΧΕΔΙΟΥ Erasmus+ KA229 με τίτλο “Flows of life: Immigrants and refugees in search of an identity”



To Γυμνάσιο Ν. Καλλικράτειας συντονίζει το πρόγραμμα Erasmus+ KA229 με τίτλο “Flows of life: Immigrants and refugees in search of an identity” με εταίρους σχολεία της Ιταλίας, Ισπανίας, Πορτογαλίας, Γερμανίας και Αυστρίας. Σας προσκαλούμε να ψηφίσετε για το λογότυπο που θα χρησιμοποιούμε στο:

Τα λογότυπα που σχεδίασαν μαθητές του σχολείου μας είναι το 9 και το 10.


Oλοκληρώθηκε η πρώτη κινητικότητα του σχεδίου Erasmus+ KA229 με τίτλο “Flows of life: Immigrants and refugees in search of an identity”  που συντονίζει το σχολείο μας. Η κινητικότητα διεξάχθηκε διαδικτυακά λόγω των περιορισμών της πανδημίας από τις 3 μέχρι τις 6 Μαϊου 2022.

Τα παιδιά παρακολούθησαν το υλικό που μας έστειλε η χώρα που οργάνωσε την κινητικότητα, δηλαδή η Ιταλία και συγκεκριμένα το σχολείο Istituto Comprensivo Statale Cassano Magnago II.

Στο βίντεο που υπάρχει στον παρακάτω σύνδεσμο,  μπορείτε να δείτε συνοπτικά τις δράσεις της πρώτης κινητικότητας.

1st virtual mobility overview


Ακολουθεί περιγραφή των δραστηριοτήτων της 1ης κινητικότητας:


Την 1η μέρα της κινητικότητας οι μαιθητές μας παρακολούθησαν ομιλία-καλωσόρισμα του Διευθυντή του Ιταλικού σχολείου. Αλληλοεπέδρασαν, επίσης, με υλικό του Ιταλικού σχολείου που περιείχε παρουσιάσεις μαθητών, παρουσίαση του σχολείου και της περιοχής, καθώς και του Giovan Battista Maino, καλλιτέχνη που έδωσε το όνομά του στο σχολείο. Έπαιξαν το παιχνίδι ¨Πόσο καλά γνωρίζεις το μέρος που ζούμε”  και συζήτησαν για τις μεταναστευτικές κινητικότητες των οικογενειών των μαθητών της Ιταλίας. Οι μαθητές μας διεξήγαγαν συνεντεύξεις των οικογενειών τους τους για να αποτυπώσουν τις δικές τους μεταναστευτικές ροές.  Δημιούργησαν μια δική τους παρουσίαση και  συνέκριναν τα αποτελέσματα με αυτά των Ιταλών και τα συζήτησαν και κατόπιν συμπλήρωσαν online την φόρμα αξιολόγησης της πρώτης ημέρας.

Την παρουσίαση των μαθητών μπορείτε να βρείτε στον παρακάτω σύνδεσμο:

Migratory movements of our students

During the first day of the mobility our students watched the welcome speech of the headteacher as well as the presentations of the students. Moreover, they interacted with the materials about the region, the school and the internalization activities of Istituto Comprensivo Statale Cassano Magnago II. The students shared their reflections on the links watched and watched the presentation on Giovan Battista Maino. Then they played the game “How do you know the place we live?’ and were excited they did well. Later we discussed about the migratory movements of the students from Italy. We discussed our students’ flows of life and we decided that in order to get further information our students would interview their families on their own migratory movements. We then watched the presentations of the Italian students again and compared them with their own. Finally, the students completed the evaluation form on the activities of the first day.


Αφού παρουσιάσαμε και συζητήσαμε για τις ροές ζωής των μαθητών και τις συγκρίναμε, παρακολουθήσαμε βίντεο των Ιταλών μαθητών με το παραδοσιακό Pin Girometta. Αυτό μας θύμισε την δική μας Κυρά-Σαρακοστή και αποφασίσαμε να φτιάξουμε και τα δύο σε μια απολαυστική διαδικασία. Το βίντεο θα το βρείτε στον παρακάτω σύνδεσμο:

Making pin Girometa and Kyra Sarakosti

Συζητήσαμε ότι όλες οι χώρες και εθνικότητες έχουν κοινά έθιμα και συνήθειες. Αφού τελειώσαμε παρακολουθήσαμε βίντεο των Ιταλών για το “Ιερό βουνό” που βρίσκεται στην περιοχή τους. Αυτό με την σειρά του μας θύμισε το δικό μας “Άγιο Όρος”. Παίξαμε το παιχνίδι “Sacred Mountain” και συμπληρώσαμε την φόρμα αξιολόγησης.

The students prepared their own presentations of the movements of their families and we had a discussion on these in class. The students reflected on people’s flows of life and compared their own with those of others.

Later we watched the presentation on how to make Pin Girometta. This brought to the students’ minds a similar custom-recipe made with the same ingredients in Greece during the lent before Easter, “Kyra Sarakosti” (Mrs Lent). We decided to make both and we really enjoyed the process. We also discussed that all countries, nationalities or ethnicities share similar habits and customs.

After we finished, we watched the two videos about the Sacred Mountain. This again reminded us of a Mountain-Penninsula in Chalkidiki), Mount Athos, which is full of monasteries and churches. We played the game “Sacred Mountain” and we completed the evaluation form.


Την 3η μέρα της κινητικότητας ανακαλύψαμε με ενδιαφέρον τοπικούς μύθους και θρύλους από την Ιταλία.  Συζητήσαμε κι εμείς για τους δικούς μας μύθους και θρύλους, τόσο από την Ελλάδα όσο και από άλλες χώρες προέλευσης των μαθητών μας. Οι μαθητές διηγήθηκαν τους μύθους που γνώριζαν, τους συγκρίναμε και τους συζητήσαμε. Συγκεντρώσαμε όλους τους μύθους και θρύλους και δημιουργήσαμε το παρακάτω βιβλίο με αυτούς χρησιμοποιώντας το πρόγραμμα book creator.

Myths and legends of our countries

Κατόπιν παρακολουθήσαμε τις Ιταλικές συνταγές που μας έστειλαν οι μαθητές του Ιταλικού σχολείου: Καμήλα. Γλυκό σαλάμι. Σαλάτα Caprese.  To γλυκό σαλάμι μας θύμισε τον δικό μας κορμό, τον οποίο φτιάξαμε και δοκιμάσαμε. Αποφασίσαμε να στείλουμε δικές μας συνταγές, τις οποίες ετοιμάσαμε χρησιμοποιώντας το πρόγραμμα canvas. Είναι οι παρακάτω:

Greek Salad (Horiatiki)



Στο τέλος της τρίτης ημέρας συμπληρώσαμε την φορμα αξιολόγησης.


During the third day of the mobility we were interested to discover local legends from Italy. The students discussed about legends not only from our area, but also legends from other countries of origin of our students.  The students narrated the legends they were familiar with, compared them and discussed them. We included all these myths and legends in a book made with book creator.

After that we saw the  local  Italian recipes presented, Camel, salame dolce and caprese salad. Salame dolce reminded us of a Greek recipe called “tree trunk”. Some students tried the recipe at home, brought some of the dessert at school and tasted it. It was decicious and softer than the Greek version. We decided to present three traditional Greek recipes which are easy to make: Greek salad, tzatziki and loukoumades. We invite you to try and taste them. They are delicious!

We completed the evaluation form on the activities, as well.

06 05 2022

Την τελευταία ημέρα της κινητικότητας παρακολουθήσαμε παρουσιάσεις που δημιούργησε η Ιταλική ομάδα για τον Λεονάρντο Ντα Βίντσι, τον Δάντη και τη Σαμάνθα Κριστοφορέττι. Παίξαμε και ένα παιχνίδι που μας έστειλαν πάνω στη Θεία Κωμωδία του Δάντη , οι μαθητές έμαθαν αρκετά πράγματα που δεν γνώριζαν διασκεδάζοντας και προσπαθώντας να βρουν πληροφορίες για χαρακτήρες και τόπους που επισκέπτεται κανείς μετά θάνατον σύμφωνα με το έργο του Δάντη.Αφού ανταλλάξαμε απόψεις αποφασίσαμε να δημιουργήσουμε παρουσιάσειςγια τους εταίρους μας  με τον Μέγα Αλέξανδρο, τον Αριστοτέλη και τον Δρα Γεώργιο Παπανικολάου.  Τις παρουσιάσεις μπορείτε να βρείτε στους παρακάτω συνδέσμους.

Alexander the Great


Georgios Papanikolaou

Τέλος αναστοχαστήκαμε πάνω στην πρώτη μας κινητικότητα, συμπληρώσαμε την συνολική αξιολόγηση και βγάλαμε αρκετές φωτογραφίες.

During the last day of the mobility we watched the presentations to get information on Leonardo DaVinci, Dante and Samantha Cristoforetti. The students especially enjoyed the game on Divine Comedy of Dante and  were eager to learn more about it. They had fun playing it and trying to find information on the characters and the places one visits after death. After exchanging opinions they decided to make presentations for our partners about: Aexander the Great, Aristotle and Dr Georgios Papanikolaou, who invented the Pap test.

After that we shared our reflection on the first mobility and the students shared them on the padlet provided. The students expressed their desire to travel and get to know the partners and their countries. All in all it was a delightful experience for our children. Of course we did not forget to complete the daily evaluation form and take a lot of photos.


Alexander the Great


Georgios Papanikolaou

1st Mobility: Spain 17/10/2022-21/10/2022

Language and Symbols


In the morning we visited our host school, “Instituto Alexandre de Riquer” in Calaf, Catalonia for a short briefing. In the present mobility we deal with Languages ​​and Symbols. So we headed to the mountains of Montserrat with the monastery of the same name which is a symbol for Catalonia, but also for all of Spain. We learned about the history and the legend that accompanies the monastery, as well as about the area’s park with its special geological formations that has been designated as a UNESCO World Heritage Site. After going up in the cable car we were informed about the park, its flora and fauna. We walked down to the monastery where we enjoyed the famous boys’ choir with the long history. Then we had the pleasure of visiting the seaside town of Sitges, an old fishing village, which after the 19th century was inhabited by Spaniards who returned from the Spanish colonies (Cuba, Philippines and Puerto Rico) and thus acquired wealth and tradition in culture hosting a multitude of events. It was a wonderful day full of images and knowledge. photos 17-10-2022



We visited  Institut Alexandre de Riquer school, were welcomed by the Principal and started the presentations we had prepared about languages ​​and symbols. After offering gifts to the host school, the students introduced themselves presented and their videos. Then we were guided around the school grounds and the students worked in working groups to create an e-dictionary. It is worth mentioning the value of cooperation and interaction between students who not only live in six different countries (Spain, Portugal, Italy, Austria, Germany and Greece), but many of them have a different origin than their country of residence. It is wonderful to watch so many children, each bringing traces of different cultures, getting to know each other, working together and communicating while learning from each other. The children also attended classes at the school to see how the process works.The day continued with a guided tour of Kalaf.  We learned the history of the place with the austere architecture and we were sorry about the abandonment of the old, traditional houses in the center, as well as the decrease in population. Another productive day passed leaving us with the best impressions.

Photos 18-10-2023



The children worked on their project which is the creation of an e-dictionary and prepared for tomorrow’s visit to Barcelona. We visited the town hall of Kalaf, where the education advisor welcomed the children, spoke with them and offered them souvenirs and treats. The teachers of our school group visited the classroom where Ancient Greek is taught and we talked in Greek with the students and the teacher. We talked about History and Literature. It was very moving to see girls from Morocco, Moldova, Romania, Sri Lanka and Catalonia studying Greek language. In the afternoon we visited Igualada, the capital of the province, watching a training of the Castellers, one of the groups that form human pyramids that impressed us. Human towers or pyramids are a tradition and symbol in Catalonia. They symbolize unity, teamwork, solidarity and support. Dinner followed and for another day we felt happy and lucky.

Photos 19-10-2022



Today we got to know Barcelona. We toured, admired the Sagrada Familia and bowed to the genius of Gaudi. The children who had prepared in groups yesterday took us on a tour of various landmarks of the city such as La Rambla, Boqueria, Santa Maria del Mar, etc. We roamed the streets of the capital of Catalonia, where Gaudi’s seal is omnipresent, and caught pulse of the city – even if only for a while. We had fun and laughed at the Big Fun Museum and toured the Les Arenes mall which was an old bullring and saw Barcelona from the top of the building.


Photos 20-10-2022



Last day of mobility today. The children worked and in groups presented the results of their work. In other words, they presented us the e-dictionaries they created and the symbols of Barcelona in an e-book. That is, apart from the actual topic of the “Language and Symbols” project, they worked as a team and cultivated communication and digital literacy skills. They reflected on teamwork and discovered that Together Everyone Achieves More (TEAM). They also created kahoot quizzes to test their knowledge in a fun way. Then all the children participated in the meal. The buffet was prepared by the parents of the students of the Institut Alexandre de Riquer to introduce us to their flavors and to say goodbye.


Photos 21-10-2023

2nd Mobility: Germany  11/12/2022-16/12/2022

Geography, Myths and Legends


We walked around Karlsruhe in the morning and visited the Town Hall, where a representative of the Mayor greeted us, welcomed us, told us about the city and offered us treats. We then toured the town and had lunch. Afterwards, we went to our host Johannes Kepler Privatschule and all the groups presented myths and customs from their countries of origin, as well as a story we made up using the above. Our day ended in the best possible way: We browsed the Christmas markets and went up to the Ferris wheel, where we admired Christmas Karlsruhe in a panoramic view, as well as Santa Claus.

Photos 12-12-2022



We headed at the famous Black forest. During the bus ride our students played interactional games and had quizzes on myths and legends. We were informed on the Geography of the area and we made comparisons to similar areas of our home countries. We were also told about the legents and history accompanying the area.  We had a magnificent cable car ride in the Black forest and a tour of the beautiful, stardust-strewn Christmas Freiberg. We took a tour learning a lot about Freiburgs history and the relevant myths.  The temperature was at -8 and we felt it.


Photos 13-12-2022


We headed to Strasbourg, home to the European Parliament  so we were informed about it, the history behind its foundation and how it works. There were relevant  games between students to find information on European issues. In Strasbourg we visited the European Parliament, the city’s interactive museum (5e lieu) and of course the well known and picturesque Christmas markets. Strasbourg, the capital of Alsace (France) has been called the “City of Christmas” and not without reason.


Photos 14-12-2022




Today the children worked in groups and taking elements from local myths they created stories that combined them and presented them to us. Then we took the train to Heidelberg, historic University Campus, went up to the castle by cable car and admired its wonderful view. We were also informed about the Geography, the history and the myths accompanying the place. The magical city, full of life and Christmas markets, left us with the best impressions. The day ended with the farewell dinner offered to us by the parents of the students attending the Johannes Kepler Privatschule and the gifts we received from the school. Saying goodbye was difficult for the students, who through shared experiences bonded with each other, despite only a few days of acquaintance. Erasmus+ unites.


Photos 15-12-2022

3nd Mobility: Austria  23/1/2023- 26/1/2023

                          Culture (Art, literature and music)



Our day started with a visit to the iconic Belvedere Palace. After touring its gardens and playing in the snow we visited the palace-gallery and admired its incredible collection of paintings with prominent ones by Gustav Klimt, Egon Schiele and Oskar Kokoschka. Then we went to our partner school where we ate. Afterwards we visited the impressive Vienna City Hall, where we were guided around and learned all about its function and history. After that it was the turn of the fun on the ice. Ice skating activity took place for the brave at the awesome ice rink in front of the City Hall. A walk in the center of Vienna with its classy buildings gave us a taste of where we will be moving in the next few days. We are looking forward to tomorrow when we will present our work.




The day started very early with the presentations of the school students on the projects they had worked on and the room was filled with poetry and music. The presentation took place in a hall of the building of the 20th Municipal Apartment Brigittenau, to which the partner school “NMS staudingergasse 6” belongs. Afterwards there was a buffet and we were welcomed by Brigittenau’s commander, who answered questions from the students. Specifically, he told us that Vienna consists of 23 Municipal Departments, which are responsible for the construction and maintenance of school buildings, as well as transportation, roads and public spaces.

Each MD is accountable to the City of Vienna, which this year has taken over energy-related costs due to price increases. 5 new school units are to be built in Brigittenau. The schools that were attended exclusively by immigrants (Iranian, Polish, Turkish, etc.) have been closed and all students, Austrian and non-Austrian, study together. Brigittenau was the first MD in Vienna to introduce the institution of the Youth Council, which involves students making proposals for schools and public spaces. In fact, the parks built in recent years were designed based on the proposals of young people. The commander of the MD has held this position for 15 years. He grew up and went to school in the same DD and has finished industrial engineering. The MD Governor is appointed by the faction that has won the municipal elections. His salary is 5600 euros net per month and he is obliged to give 1000 euros to his party. The meeting ended with the offering of gifts.

After touring the center of Vienna, we visited the Theater Museum, where we were given a very interesting and interactive tour that required the active participation of the students. Theme of the tour: The history of music in Austria. We were particularly impressed by the association of Amadeus Mozart with Falco, as well as the fact that Beethoven’s 3rd symphony, the Eroica, was first played in one of the building’s rooms.

Our day ended in the best possible way. After a walk on the shopping street Mariahilfestrasse, we watched the show “Rebecca” in the packed Raimund theater. It is a musical based on the novel of the same name by Daphne Du Maurier. Whatever we say is little. The performance left us speechless. It was an extraordinary experience






In the morning the program started with group workshops of the students at the host school. Our children worked in groups and created collective poems and prose about the experience of interacting with other cultures, which they presented. We then visited the amazing Art History Museum (Kunsthistorisches Museum), which is housed in a magnificent building and houses an incredible collection of paintings and other works of art. There we were guided and admired works by Rafaello, Tiziano, Giorgione, Caravaggio, Tintoretto, Veronese, Gentilleschi, Tiepollo, Bruegel, Bosch, Van Eyck, Rubens, Van Dyck, Velazquez, etc.

The visit to the interactive exhibition “Mythos Mozart” was followed by an entertaining tour of the Vienna of Mozart’s time and his life and work. Through the effects we felt a little part of 18th century Vienna. The day ended with a meal at Heuriger in Vienna. Heurigers are traditional taverns on the outskirts of town that serve simple dishes and wine. A Heuriger can only be opened if he has his own vineyard and produces wine for the needs of the tavern. To do something like this, you need a special permit. The students drank grape juice anyway.



If this day were a movie it would be titled “FLIRISI  and the Chocolate Factory”. We were the protagonists of  every child’s dream. We were guided to the chocolate factory of the Heindl family, which has a tradition of making chocolate. We learned everyting about chocolate. Its history, how it is cultivated, how it is produced, how it is processed and how it ends up in the package. We tried different types of chocolates, as well as liquid chocolate from the fountains, and the original taste of cocoa from grated fruit. The best part of the tour, though, was that we each made our own dessert, which we packed up and took with us.

After lunch we headed to Schönbrunn one of the two Habsburg palaces in Vienna, toured its grounds and learned about the history of the palace itself and its owners. The day ended with a dinner with traditional Viennese cuisine and with the farewell of children and teachers. We return tomorrow with images and experiences that will accompany us for a lifetime. This is Erasmus+


Photos of the mobility

4th  Mobility: Portugal 20/3/2023- 23/3/2023

                                   History and Gastronomy



Our day started with a visit to Sintra, a city full of tourism and history. We wandered through its colorful streets and explored the magnificent Quinta da Regaleira Palace. We went down to the “initiation” well and were impressed. With a depth of up to 27 meters and a labyrinth of labyrinthine galleries connecting many parts of the palace underground, the well was used for initiation ceremonies by people following a descent ritual in order for the individual to connect with their inner self, soul and beyond to rise towards the sky following a spiral ascent. The palace also has very beautiful gardens with lakes and streams.

We then had lunch in the Belem district of Lisbon near the monastery of Sao Jeronimo and then the very fun amphibious tour, Hippo tour. The “hippos” are vehicles that move comfortably both on the streets of Lisbon and on the sea offering a guided tour of the city. We heard about the history of the city, the disasters, the seafaring explorers it birthed and nurtured, as well as colonialism. After the unique walk that is hard to describe, we toured Lisbon by night and ended up in a restaurant to enjoy in addition to local dishes and Fado.

Fados are songs intertwined with the culture of Portugal. They are sentimental, but usually sad, as they speak of lost loves and unfulfilled romances. No visit to Portugal is complete without Fado. Exhausted, but excited, we look forward to the next day.






We started in the morning heading to  Mafra. We  heard about the history of its national palace which is a world heritage monument. It was built in the baroque and neoclassical style by King João V. The king built it using gold from the Brazilian colonies to fulfill a tama. At one time, 300 Franciscan monks lived there. The palace history is full of funny stories that mainly have to do with the king. After taking a walk in the palace gardens we went to the Peniche region in the westernmost peninsula of Portugal, we admired the vastness of the Atlantic and felt a bit like the seafarers whose desire to explore was born by this sight. We saw the lighthouse of Cabo Carvoeiro, the light of which reaches 27 kilometers and the Nau dos Corvos (ship of the crows) an impressive rock where crows gather. We also admired the surfers in a wonderful landscape of tranquility. Next there was Obidos, a wonderful medieval town. We wandered through its narrow streets and were impressed by the fact that  books were everywhere: A Codfish and bookshop, a  sardine and bookshop, an old church that has been literally turned into the Temple of the Book. This place exactlywas the place where  the treasure was hidden  in the treasure hunt that our children played in mixed groups with references to historical presentations we prepared. The prize: Traditional Portuguese sweets. This week a Chocolate Festival takes place in Obidos, so we tasted a lot of chocolate flavours. We spend our evening in Santarem, the capital of the province of the same name. A picturesque city, the streets  of which we explored in the evening.




Today we went to Cartaxo where our Portuguese partner school, Agrupamento de Escolas Marcelino Mesquita, is located. We took a tour at  the school which is in the process of being renovated and were impressed with the premises and the support staff (superintendent, security guard, secretaries). Then the children presented their work (the school and our place, the gastronomy of our country, mixed marriages, adventurous explorers) and certificates of participation were awarded. Then we tasted food from all the participating countries and visited the Folklore Museum and the wine museum. In the “taberna” of the museum the adults tasted local wines. After the visit, the children played and painted t-shirts, while the teachers discussed the next mobility that will take place in Greece. After exploring Cartaxo and hearing the legend of how it got its name, we gladly accepted an invitation to dinner at a student’s house, where we ate local food prepared by the children’s parents and teachers and were entertained by music played by the band of school friends.




Last day today and we spent it having a tour of Santarem and its Gothic churches. The kids had some challenges – missions so the tour went smoothly. We visited the park with battlements and admired the Tagus river from above. We were impressed by the cleanliness of the city where there was not a single piece of trash and the streets were sparkling. In fact, for a while we observed a cleaning employee washing a square with great care. People obviously respect the public space because we didn’t see any graffiti or vandalism. Then we headed to the Tagus valley, where there are vineyards and quality wines are produced. We spent some time in Valada, a tiny village on the Tagus, port of Cartaxo. Local people bathe in the river and sunbathe in its bed. The difficult time of saying goodbye has come for our children who acquired new experiences, friends, and skills as well. Our 4th mobility ended with a last walk in Lisbon. Tomorrow we take the road back and start preparing for the last mobility of the plan



Photos of the mobility to Portugal


5th  Mobility: Greece 8/5/2023- 11/5/2023

                                   Entertainment, games and dances



We really enjoyed seeing our partners again. We started our guided tour from the Triangle Tower in the Castles. After admiring the view, we left ourselves in the experienced hands of our guide, who took us on a journey through the city’s past: Ancient Greece, Byzantium, Turkish rule. Since the theme of our Erasmus+ project is refugee and migration, we focused on the different cultures that passed through the city. We went down to the Pasha’s Gardens, toured the Turkish Quarter, entered the stunning Church of Saint Nicholas, stopped at the Turkish Consulate, admired the Rotunda, the Arch of Galerius and stopped at the Hippodrome to talk about its bloody history. We ended up at the Archaeological museum and after the tour, it was the White Tower’s turn. Quite tired, but full of images, we enjoyed a ride in Thermaikos on the pirate boat. Later in the evening we enjoyed dinner at Ladadika, a traditional area of Thessaloniki.




Before the description of the day, we should emphasize the cooperation with the Centre of Environmental Education and Sustainability of Arnaia, in order to implement and organize the program of the day. The contribution of the centre and its people was catalytic. We set out determined to show our partners the beauties of mountainous Halkidiki and to have fun, despite the rainy weather, and headed to Arnaia. Yannis Lambros, manager of KPEA Arnaia, was waiting for us there, a valuable friend who, with his experience, facilitated us this time as well, as always.

He gave us a guided tour to the Holy Church of Agios Stefanos, the patron saint of Arnaia, he was our guide through the narrow streets of the traditional settlement of Arnaia with its unique architecture and when we visited the Folklore Museum he took us on a journey through the daily life of Arnaia up to 200 years ago. Then, he and Evangelia Biniou, a member of the Team of the centre, welcomed us and facilitated us in every way. After eating our traditional pies and sandwiches, we began our presentations. Each group presented the way people have fun in the respective country, a traditional game of the country and a minority, as well as a traditional dance of the country and a minority. A very nice part of the day was the live dance presentation by the children. It was a beautiful day that we enjoyed.





Our day started at the Byzantine Culture Center “Justinianos” in Nea Flogita, where the students were guided, informed about its history and activity, observed the way in which the preservation of Byzantine relics is carried out and learned about the history of the Halkidiki revolution . Then we visited the Museum of Fishing Boats and Tools in Nea Moudania where Mrs. Vicky Papameti gave us the opportunity to learn through the exhibits about fishing methods, the use of tools and marine life in general.

Later we visited the City Hall, where the Mayor, Mr. Manolis Karras, welcomed the participants in the program, he spoke to them about New Propontida, the “flows of life”, about the importance of the European Union, respect, solidarity and tolerance between people. He accepted questions, distributed souvenirs and himself received symbolic gifts from our partners. Present were the deputy mayor Mr. Dimitris Chatzialexis, the deputy mayor of Education Mr. Athanasia Emmanouilidou and the president of the Culture and Sports organization Mr. Panagiotis Saroglou.


We headed to one of the most beautiful traditional settlements of Chalkidiki, Athitos. There we visited the Folklore Museum, in order to see what a residence of old Halkidiki looked like. After the delicious meal and the great view of the reastaurant, we visited the tower of Nea Fokaia and discovered facts about it in a playful way.






The day started with breakfast at our school. Then the students in groups created kahoot competitions on what they learned during the mobility in Greece and won gifts. Then we visited the welcoming Cultural and Educational Association of New Kallikrateia and learned about the refugee history of N. Kallikrateia. We returned to the school to enjoy a rich buffet with dishes from Greece, but also other countries prepared by parents of students and the High School. The meal turned into a feast with dances from all the participating countries, as well as from the students’ countries of origin. Our partners enjoyed the Greek hospitality and we all had fun. Eventually everyone was dancing each other’s traditional dances.  We were particularly pleased with the young children of the Cultural Association of N. Kallikrateia, who accepted our invitation and danced representative traditional dances. The farewell was emotional because it was the last mobility within a program that offered valuable experiences to our students, but also to us.




Photos games


Photos dances



23-5-2023. Ημερίδα διάχυσης αποτελεσμάτων του προγράμματος Erasmus + KA229 με τίτλο “Flows of life: Immigrants and refugees in search of an identity” που συντόνισε το σχολείο μας. Στην ημερίδα παρουσιάστηκε η φιλοσοφία και ο σχεδιασμος του προγράμματος, οι κινητικότητες, και οι δράσεις που πραγματοποιήθηκαν, ενώ παρουσιάστηκαν οι εμπειρίες των συμμετεχόντων/ουσιών μαθητών/τριών. Ομιλητριες ήταν οι υπεύθυνες του προγράμματος Καζάκη Γιώτα και Παπακωνσταντίνου Κατερίνα, αλλά και οι μαθητές/τριες που συμμετείχαν. Ευχαριστούμε όσους/ες παρακολούθησαν την ημερίδα.

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