1.Are you involved in any recycling project?(paper-batteries-aluminum-plastic)  X Yes (if yes, write down which ones)   no           We  throw paper in the basket for recycling paper (Giada) 2. Is there a garden at your school?                           X yes      no It’s my nursery school garden in Morro D’Alba (Martina)   6. Most of the times during the lessons X  the classrooms […]

Sunday November 01st 2009, 4:24
Filed under: Γενικά  |  Leave a Comment

Scuola dell’Infanzia “ M.Pieralisi“ Morro D’Alba  Istituto Comprensivo “ G.Rossini “ San Marcello An              Life at school 1.Are you involved in any recycling project?(paper-batteries-aluminum-plastic)o        X Yes (if yes, write down which ones)o             no   Buttiamo via la carta nel secchio della carta , per riciclare ( Giada )We throw paper in the basket for recycling paper 2. […]

Sunday November 01st 2009, 4:24
Filed under: Γενικά  |  1 Comment

Scuola dell’Infanzia “ M. Pieralisi “ Morro D’ Alba Istituto Comprensivo “ G. Rossini “ San Marcello An   Life at school  1.Are you involved in any recycling project?(paper-batteries-aluminum-plastic)o        X Yes (if yes, write down which ones)……………………………………o            no                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               We throw paper in the basket for recycling paper  (Giada)                                                                                             2. Is there a garden at your […]

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