The second class of the Primary school of San Marcello partecipated in a competition called
about the right way to recycle.
La fine dell’anno scolastico!!!!!!!!!!!!! Holiday!!!!!
Volleyball boys’ team took 2nd place and got a silver medal in Volleyball Final of our Province in Bydgoszcz.
Our school boys’ team took the 2nd place in football championship of our region.
The students of class IIIa with their class teacher Mrs Malgorzata Gremplewska during preparing Art works about protecting the environment.
The national exam of the sixth classes. The exam was written by 100 students in our school.
The exhibition in a school library about Fryderyk Chopin. This year we celebrate 200th anniversary of the birth of the composer
Itinerant Planetarium in our school on 29th March. The students watched a session and listened to interesting stories about Solar System, Cosmos, and the seasons on the Earth.
5th International Marathon “Megas Alexandros”
18th of April 2010
Getting ready…….
25th of March 2010 /National Holiday for Greece
School parade
On a school trip to Thessaloniki to watch a performance
March 2010
Easter preparations -class C
Classes 5 and 6 visited Lake Agra-Nisiou-Vritton in early March . The lake was artificially created during the 50s to cover the needs in water of a small hydroelectric power plant of the Public Electricity Board, but rapidly developed into an area with particular ecological interest, since it hosts and supports a great number of bird species.The wet meadows, the aquatic vegetation and the water create in the area of springs a unique natural scenery.
Last February an expert came to our school and spoke to us about
environment and what we can do to take care of it.
Our children learnt that we safeguard the environment when…
we don’t leave the appliances such as TV, DVD… plugged in
we prefer products without packaging
we rather have a shower than a bath
we recycle paper, plastic, aluminium…
we don’t leave any rubbish in the environment
we have a walk and don’t use our car
we use rechargeable batteries
Villa Barberi Primary School – third class
Our students visited a recycling centre in February. We went to a factory that produces paper from… paper!
I nostri alunni hanno visitato una industria della carta che utilizza come materia prima la carta da macero recuperata per mezzo della raccolta differenziata.
Paper coming from separate collection of household waste is pressed, baled and stored in an orderly way.
La carta proveniente dalla raccolta differenziata viene pressata, imballata e immagazzinata ordinatamente.
Paper bales are pushed over a conveyer belt and get to the “pulper”, where water and paper make a mixture.
Le balle di carta vengono spinte su un nastro trasportatore e finiscono nel “pulper”, dove l’acqua e la carta sminuzzata sono mescolate e ridotte in poltiglia.
The mixture is filtered, pressed and dried in big hot cylinders… and that’s done! A new paper is ready for a new life!
La poltiglia viene filtrata, pressata ed essiccata passando attraverso grandi cilindri riscaldati… ed ecco! Della nuova carta è pronta per una nuova vita!
The 5th class of our school participated in a worldwide initiative to
stop the use of child soldiers
Watching a performance of Karagiozis
Karagiozis or Karaghiozis (Greek Καραγκιόζης ,turkish Karag?z)is a shadow puppet and fictional character of Greek folklore derived from the Ottoman Turkish Karag?z.He is the main character of the tales narrated in the Greek shadow puppet theater.Karag?z in Turkish means “black-eye” and it is the origin of the character’s name.Karagiozis is a poor hunchbacked Greek,his right hand is always depicted long,his clothes are ragged and patched,and his feet are always bare.He lives in a poor cottage with his wife Aglaia and his three boys,during the times of the Ottoman Empire.The scene(called Karagoz Perde) is occupied by his cottage in the left and the Sultan’s Palace (Sarayi) on the far right.
The 5th and 6th class visited the church during their lesson(Religion)
17th of November — Remembrance Day of the Storming of the Polytechnic.
25th of March is both a national and a religious holiday.The date marks the beginning of the
Greek war of Independence in 1821 which resulted in Greek liberation from the Ottoman
rule and the founding of the Greek nation.The religious holiday commemorates the Announcement
to Virgin Mary(Panaghia) that she was to become the mother of Jesus Christ.
End-of-year celebrations
Our younger students during an excursion
28TH MAY–1ST JUNE 2009
(AND WINNING CUPS)![dsc00946-1.jpg](
In many villages in Greece,every year revives on 1st March the ancient Greek custom “helidonismata”(from the word “helidoni” in modern or “helidon”in ancient Greek which means swallow).The children are celebrating the coming of spring which is symbolized by the swallow.They make a swallow’s simulacrum and go around the village’s houses singing the helidona,a kind of carol.The housewives give them sweets or money sometimes.
3A and 3B class
Who said we can not combine Maths and Environmental Studies?
This is a craft made by the students of the 3rd class.It depicts a figure of a woman called Kyra-Sarakosti (Lady Sarakosti/Lent) cut out of a sheet of paper.She has no mouth (because she never eats),her hands joined together in prayer and at the bottom of her long skirt seven little feet are projected,one of each of the weeks of fasting.Every Saturday one foot is cut off,the last one on Holy Saturday,the day before Easter Sunday.This last foot is inserted into a dry fig or a walnut,bringing luck to the finder.
The kites that are all around,is another custom in Greece.Every year on Clean Monday,the Greek people,young andold alike,can be seen out in the countryside,flying kites.
Hello there!
–Pirates and Friends–class 3B
Let’s make something sweet!!! class 3B
The meeting with a forester who talked with the students about our
environment, forests and animals. During the meeting the headmistress
gave our pupils the prizes for winning the competition “A bird table”.
The meeting took place in a school library, where the students’ works
about ecology have been displayed.
Students’ poems about ecology and environment
Polish-English ditionaries”Ecology”
Students’ works about ecology
The students are writing about ecological issues: essays, poems, posters… Polish lesson.
The exhibition of Christmas cards received from our partners and the dictionaries about ecology made by our students.
Every month there is a concert in the gym. This time: Folk dancing.
RICI & CLA are two fantastic puppits. They came to school and taught us to recycle.
In the white dustbins we put paper, in the yellow dustbins we put plastic and metal , in the grey ones we throw the rubbish.
The Natural Reserve “Chuprene” is one of our favourite destinations. In 1977, UNESCO and the UN included it in their lists of protected Nature territories for its unique flora snd fauna.
We found this little sparrow in the grass, helpless and unprotected, and put it back in the nest! We hope it’s still there, waiting to see us again!
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Some classes of our Primary schools participated
in a competition called “Make the difference”.
At school children had to separate their rubbish in
different containers for: paper, glass, plastic and organic rubbish.
At the end of the competition the umpires came to school
to weigh the rubbish.
Each child got a t-shirt…
- X Yes (if yes, write down which ones)
- no
We throw paper in the basket for recycling paper (Giada)
- X yes
- no
It’s my nursery school garden in Morro D’Alba (Martina)
- X the classrooms are lightened naturally (by the sun)
- the lights are on
The sun shines in the school: we don’t switch the light on ( Gabriele)
8.At school do you drink water
- from a plastic bottle that you buy?
- X from a flask that is reused?
- X you buy something from the school canteen
- you bring home sandwich baggies and other plastic bags to be washed out and reused
- you bring something from home in a plastic bag that cannot be reused, you throw it away
Antonietta give me some milk for my breakfast. Antonietta is our cook (Maria)
Scuola dell’Infanzia “ M.Pieralisi“ Morro D’Alba
- X yes
- no
- X the classrooms are lightened naturally (by the sun)
- the lights are on
- from a plastic bottle that you buy?
- X from a flask that is reused?
- X you buy something from the school canteen
- you bring home sandwich baggies and other plastic bags to be washed
out and reused
- you bring something from home in a plastic bag that cannot be reused, you throw it away
Scuola dell’Infanzia “ M. Pieralisi “ Morro D’ Alba
Life at school
2. Is there a garden at your school?
- X yes
- no
- X the classrooms are lightened naturally (by the sun)
- the lights are on
- from a plastic bottle that you buy?
- X from a flask that is reused?
- X you buy something from the school canteen
- you bring home sandwich baggies and other plastic bags to be washed out and reused
- you bring something from home in a plastic bag that cannot be reused,you throw it away
Ready for action!
Let’s help save the environment! 5th class
The 3rd class visited the bakery and
Our handball teams
Enjoy Carnival time!!!
Let’s make seasonal sweets!!! Class 3
A treat to all of you!!!
Exhibition at school
The Greek cartoonists are emphasizing the need to protect the environment
and the responsibilities of each one of us.
On the 17th of December we had a special guest at school,
a prolific athlete ,Mrs Voula Patoulidou.She won the 100 metres hurdles
Gold Olympic medal in the 1992 games, ,in Barcelona,Spain.
She is now responsible for the Hellenic Red Cross’s Volunteerism
Let’s make our recycled paper!
Classes 2nd and 4th
The 1st class made their story book about pollution!
November 2009
Reduce–Reuse–Recycle Arts and crafts
The 5th and 6th classes of the school on an environmental project
by the river Loudias. (November 2009)Partners’ meeting held in Malta,at Theresa Nuzzo School,
between 4th and 9th November 2009.
We visited the magnificent New Archaeological Museum of Pella!!!
The 28th of October is purely a patriotic national holiday, which commemorates the refusal of Greek Prime Minister Ioannis Metaxas on this date in 1940 to allow passage of Italian troops under Mussolini through Greece.Though the Greeks succeeded in driving the Italian army from the mountains of Ipiros that winter, Hitler’s armies invaded the following spring. Parades, folk dancing and speech making are the events of this day.
Welcome back at school…thinking about your past summertime!
During our last summer holidays we collected some seashells along our wonderful sand beaches and made few amusing hand-crafted objects for you to play with and enjoy your free time!
Welcome back at school…thinking about your past summertime!
April, 20th is our School Patron’s Day!
Each country has its national poets. They are people not only good at writing but also at exposing the depths of the human soul. Ivan Vazov is considered to be the Patriarch of Bulgarian modern literature. He was born in 1850 in Sopot – a town situated in the beautiful Valley of the Roses, one of the most poetic places in the country!
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When someone gives you a Martenitsa you should wear it until you see a stork or a fruitful tree in blossom for the first time in the season. Then you can tie it on a blossoming tree for health,happiness and longevity!
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Students in our school love doing Projects! It’s one of the ways to show their creativity and learn to work in teams!
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Christmas is a very important holy day in Bulgaria! It’s also very family-centred. On Christmas Eve everyone gather at the house of the oldest grandparent for a big festive dinner.The meals have to be odd number, seven at least, and all vegetarian. The dinner starts with a typical Bulgarian custom. The oldest person breaks off pieces of the round homemade bread in which a coin was placed before it was baked. Whoever gets the piece with the coin will become wealthy and very lucky throughout the New Year!
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“Ivan Vazov” Primary school was open in 1962 as the first VIIIth grade school in town. There are 810 students and 60 teachers in it.
Our motto is: “We do not promise, we carry out high quality education!”
Autumn is very beautiful here!
It’s very rich and ….. arouses creativity!!!
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Dear Friends,
Best Wishes for a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Christmas time in our school
Ecological Christmas trees in our classrooms.
to be continued…
“Spartakiada” is the competition for children, especially for scouts, which took place on 4th December 2009 in our school. It is the fifth time it was hold in Gniewkowo. The children from different schools came to our town. The event started when the children walked the streets of Gniewkowo with Santa Claus, who came to them.
The students of the 1st classes are given the names of “The readers” .
The artistic programme.
Every year in April the students of the 6th class (the last grade), before finishing the primary school, write the final exam which shows the level of their knowledge and skills. Earlier in November the students write a mock exam helping them to evaluate the way they learn. In the photo the students are writing the mock exam (17st November 2008).
The display about Malta in a school library
Girls’ football team in football competition.
The ceremony of vowing of 1st grade.
Autumn in Poland
The display “autumn treasures” in a school library.
Our trip – Torun – 27.10.2009
Lesson in museum.
The election of the School Government. The tutor of students Mr Piotr Skoblewski,
the headmistress Mrs Dorota Gliwińska, and the assistant head Mrs Elżbieta Olszewska
took part in the meeting.
The students of our school took part in an annual Olympic Running in Wierzbiczany.
We took the first place among primary schools.
On 22nd September we participated in celebrating the European Day without a Car.
In the afternoon we met in the school yard, then we rode our bikes to The Centre of Culture
in Gniewkowo. Our students of I-III classes showed the performance about the protection of out Planet.
There were also contests and games!
Our Scouts participated in a bike ride, which lasted two days. We rode dozens
of kilometres in a wonderful weather.
The students of our school participated in the ceremony commemorating people murdered in the Second World War.
We took part in this celebration together with the inhabitants of Gniewkowo.
We put flowers to show our respect and to honour the victims of the War.
Westerplatte – the place when the Second World War to began
The ceremony in our school which marked the 70th anniversary of the beginning of the Second World War and meeting with the veteran of the Second World War.
The display showing the Polish peole’s fighting during the Second World War
Class VIA
Class VIB
Class VIC
Class VID
Class VIE
The best pupils from our school
Gifts from Greece
The school trip to Gozdawa
Dance from Malta
Medieval dance
Polish national dance – POLONEZ
Our regional dance – KUJAWIAK
Nicolas Copernicus
The school trip to Biskupin
A school trip to Gdansk, Gdynia, Sopot 13-15 may
The rainbow around Gniewkowo
Girls’ football competition-“Orlik”League
The contest of Polish language “Mayor’s gold pen”
Students of class Vb during additional English activities are presenting
their works about famous people of our country and region.
The first partners? meeting – Loreto Aprutino – Italy
Hello from Italy
We are students and teachers of 3rd and 5th classes of
Collecorvino?s Primary School.
We would like to introduce you our school.
there are 22 students: 14 boys and 8 girls. Recently a new
student became part of our class, he came from Kosovo. We are 10 years old and we attend the 5th class, next year we will pass to
the Middle school. We are good students, we like to know a lot of
new things and sometimes , we are a little gossipers.
- Annalisa, she is teaching Italian, English and Technology;
- Ann, she is teaching History, Geography, Music, Art;
- Marisa, she is teaching Catholic Religion
- Anthony, he is teaching Mathematics, Science and Sport.
They are very nice to us and we are learning
enjoying ourselves.
Our subjects
In our schools we are making a lot of projects: Archeology – Art – Science ? Sports –Environment
manufacture mosaics, too.
In our art project, we inspired ourselves from famous painters.
Villa Barberi1
Hi! We are the noisy pupils of the second class of Villa Barberi
primary school in Collecorvino!
We are seven years old.
This is our school. It?s small but beautiful and we like it.
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Our pupils want to share with you the recipe of this traditional doughnuts.GRAPE JUICE DOUGHNUTS
- 1 kg of flour
- 150g of yeast
- 2 eggs
- 1 glass of sunflower oil
- 8 spoons of sugar
- 1/4 litre of grape juice (most)
- Aniseed as you like
Put the flour and the aniseed to make a fountain.Dissolve the yeast into the grape juice .Beat the eggs with the sugar. Put together the eggs with the flour, the add the grape juice.
Knead the ingredients long enough.
Divide the dough and form fifteen doughnuts.
Put the doughnuts into the oven at 220-240°C.Enjoy your meal!�
“The Snow Queen” -March 2009
Teachers at Work
Pictures by a very artistic child in Grade 5
Teachers in the Staff room before 8:00am
Grade 2 teacher during a lesson
Grade 4 teacher during a lesson
Grade 5 teacher during lessons
Grade 5 teacher during lessons
Carnival Time at school
A special assembly celebrating our National identity!
Here is a picture during Christmas related activities held in December
A special event at school took place in November when the local police authorities were invited to discuss traffic and road safety issues.
Assembly time
playing in the gym
in the gym- play time
Our pupils want to share with you the recipe of this traditional doughnuts.GRAPE JUICE DOUGHNUTS
- 1 kg of flour
- 150g of yeast
- 2 eggs
- 1 glass of sunflower oil
- 8 spoons of sugar
- 1/4 litre of grape juice (most)
- Aniseed as you like
Put the flour and the aniseed to make a fountain.Dissolve the yeast into the grape juice .Beat the eggs with the sugar. Put together the eggs with the flour, the add the grape juice.
Knead the ingredients long enough.
Divide the dough and form fifteen doughnuts.
Put the doughnuts into the oven at 220-240°C.Enjoy your meal!�
Safety on road competition – 23.04.2009r. The district stage.
The spring in Poland – our photo
The football competitions in our school.
Olympic running – victory of our school team.
The participants of the contest organised by Students’ Commitee – “I know everything…”
School trip – The students of the 4th grade participated in the Easter workshop – Biskupin, 6.04.2009r. We learned about Easter traditions and customs.
We were making butter and then we formed it into an Easter Ram.
We were preparing traditional cake called “mazurek”.
We were making Easter decorations.
We were also painting eggs for an Easter table.
We ate Easter meal together.
Meeting with the doctor
The sport competition in our school – basketball
My aunt’s marriage.
I have been to New York; I was very excited.
My cousin’s birthday.
Watching a performance of Karagiozis
Karagiozis or Karaghiozis (Greek Καραγκιόζης, from Turkish ”Karag?z”) is a shadow puppet and fictional character of Greek folklore derived from the Ottoman Turkish ”Karag?z”. He is the main character of the tales narrated in the Greek shadow-puppet theatre. ”Karag?z” in Turkish means ‘black-eye’, and it is the origin of this character’s name.
The students of class Vb are working on the quiz for Trivial Pursuit Board Game – during after-school English club
The carnival party in our school – 13th February 2009
Writing about the most interesting events in our lives.
The exhibition of materials from our Comenius Partners
The exhibition about Bulgaria in a school library
The students’ drawings: The most interesting event in my life.
Sport competition in our school – football
The second partners’ meeting – Vidin, Bulgaria
A the beginning of January an Olympic vice-champion in rowing – ?ukasz Paw?owski – came to our school. During the meeting he told the students about his participating in the Olympic Games and his feelings connected with this great sport event in Pekin 2008.
On 21st December in the Church of of Jesus Saint Heart the Scouts gave Bethlehem’s Light of Peace to the inhabitants of Gniewkowo.
On 29th December our students presented an artistic programme for the Local Authorities. We showed a performance prepared for Christmas.
We are visiting the Town Council.
Christmas in Poland – Jaselka
Christmas in Netherlands
Christmas in Peru
Christmas in Greece
Christmas in Italy
Christmas in Romania
Christmas in China and Japan
Polish winter game and songs
Polish winter game and songs
17th of November is a Remembrance Day of the Storming of the Polytechnic, which took place 35 years ago. It happened towards the end of the dictatorship
The students of the Polytechnic rocked the foundations of the dictatorship which was to fall the following summer.
Hello! Hi! Welcome! Welcome to our bloog. We are the students of Primary School in Gniewkowo. We are 12 years old. We go to the 6th class.”
Our games- “Kolko graniaste” and “Stary niedzwiedz”. These are two games the children in Poland play very often.
The first game is called “K??ko graniaste”. The children stay in a circle and hold hands. They move in accordance with the hand of the clock and sing a song: ” K??ko graniaste, wielokanciaste, K??ko nam si? po?ama?o, cztery grosze kosztowa?o, a my wszyscy b?c”. On the word “B?C” the children bounce and squat.
First the children choose a bear (one child) that squat in the centre. It close the eyes and begin to snore loudly. The rest of the children walk around the bear and sing: “Stary nied?wied? mocno ?pi, stary nied?wied? mocno ?pi, na palcach chodzimy, bo si? go boimy, jak si? zbudzi to nas zje, jak si? zbudzi to nas zje. Pierwsza godzina-nid?wied? ?pi, druga godzina-nied?wied? chrapie, trzecia godzina-nied?wied? ?apie!” On the words “Nied?wied? ?apie!” (The bear is catching”) the children run away and the bear catches one of them. The child who is caught becomes a new bear.
The club supporting gifted children, who present their achievements during the meetings.
“Spartakiada” is the competition for children, especially for scouts, which took place on 5th December 2008 in our school. It is the fourth time it was hold in Gniewkowo. The children from different schools came to our town. The event started when the children walked the streets of Gniewkowo with Santa Claus, who came to them by bike.
Every year in April the students of the 6th class (the last grade), before finishing the primary school, write the final exam which shows the level of their knowledge and skills. Earlier in November the students write a mock exam helping them to evaluate the way they learn. In the photo the students are writing the mock exam (21st November 2008).
The students of the 1st classes are given the names of “The readers” by the headmistress.
The children are giving the pledge to be good readers.
These are the students who prepared the artistic programme.
Writing the wishes for friends from the Comenius Project during after school activities.
Preparation of “The culinary handbook of Kujawy”.
Writing the wishes for friends from the Comenius Project during after school activities.
St Andrew’s Day celebrated in Poland on 30th November. It is a day of getting to know our future, it is a day of foretelling. One of the most popular omens is pouring the wax on water andd guessing the future from the shadow and shape of the wax.
Another way of knowing the future. Who will be my wife/husband? On the one side of the heart there are boys and girls names. We are piercing the heart and then checking on the other side of the heart the names of your future partners.
It’s time for a party…
The students are watching presentations
and listening to the information about Comenius Partners
The exhibition of materials from our Comenius Partners
The trip to Toru? ? the town of Nicolas Copernicus ? 5th November 2008.
The photo under the memorial of a famous Polish astronomer Nicolas Copernicus.
On 5th November class Id, IIa and class of children with special needs went to the
Gingerbread in
Visit in the Museum of Gingerbread in Toru?.
We are getting to know the ingredients of gingerbread pastry
We are making pastry for gingerbread cakes.
We are forming the gingerbread cakes.
It works! The gingerbread cakes are delicious and fragrant?.
Visit in the Museum of Papermaking and Printing in Toru? – 6th November 2008.
Writing by a goose feather, that is how books were made a long time ago.
We are learning to make paper.
We are learning to print books.
Our groups in Torun
The students of our school with P.E. teachers: Mrs Ewa Szulc and Mr Aleksander Pu?aczewski participated in the ceremony.
An opening of a new sport complex took place at our school. It was possible to build a modern playground thanks to the project “Moje boisko-ORLIK 2012”.
Polish lesson
Sport activities in the gym
Our library
Our headmistress – mgr Dorota Gliwi?ska
Information Technology lesson
Maths lessson?