“Ivan Vazov” School Patron’s Day
Tuesday October 20th 2009, 4:24
By Ευαγγελία Σαρίγκολη | Filed under: Γενικά



Our school info centre!



The opening ceremony of the exhibition “Ivan Vazov-his life and work”.




     April,17th, 2009! – The School Radio is a fact!!!


That’s the Logo of our radio!

Perhaps they will really make a career in broadcasting one day!!!



The editors and the programme teams are giving their first interviews and sharing their creative ideas!



       Our beautiful and talented broadcasters! At the conference …..the-radio4.JPGand….. at work!!!p2100010.JPG    pic_yard.jpg 

Now, during the long break, we can listen to our favourite music and the latest school news  wherever we are-in the school or in the yard! 


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