Nea Pella’s Primary School,Greece
Thursday January 29th 2009, 4:24
By Ευαγγελία Σαρίγκολη | Filed under: Γενικά

Watching a performance of Karagiozis





Karagiozis or Karaghiozis (Greek Καραγκιόζης, from Turkish ”Karag?z”) is a shadow puppet and fictional character of Greek folklore derived from the Ottoman Turkish ”Karag?z”. He is the main character of the tales narrated in the Greek shadow-puppet theatre. ”Karag?z” in Turkish means ‘black-eye’, and it is the origin of this character’s name. Karagiozis is a poor hunchbacked Greek, his right hand is always depicted long, his clothes are ragged and patched, and his feet are always bare. He lives in a poor cottage with his wife Aglaia and his three boys, during the times of the Ottoman  Empire.The scene (called Karagoz Perde) is occupied by his cottage in the left, and the Sultan’s Palace (Sarayi) on the  far right.

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