Αρχική » 6. evaluation » Barefoot Evaluation

Barefoot Evaluation


What is evaluation?

Evaluation is about making judgements, where possible in an objective and systematic way. Every day, we make judgements about what to do and what we think, based on a range of factors.

When considering a new digital device for the classroom, there are a number of criteria: operating system, portability, memory size, screen size, ease of use, warranty, etc.

An image of a laptop computer.

After evaluating the options, laptops might be judged as the digital device most suitable for a classroom.

Why is evaluation important?

Evaluation is about judging the quality, effectiveness and efficiency of products, solutions, processes and systems. We ascertain whether they’re fit for purpose.

One approach could be to consider specific criteria, e.g. a design goal or specification, or user needs. In computer science, evaluation is systematic and rigorous.

What does evaluation look like in the  curriculum?

Evaluation is something that occurs daily across schools. Pupils evaluate their work; teachers evaluate lessons, learning and progress. Self- and peer-assessment can help to develop children’s evaluation skills, as they make judgements using success criteria and consider potential improvements.

Gymnasts may have a list of ‘good’ things to aspire to – perhaps certain moves in a routine, perhaps landing on two feet. In Language, the success criteria for a pupil’s written work might be the correct use of capitals and full stops, or the inclusion of adjectives and adverbs. Children express preferences more readily and clearly. They may recommend a book to a friend, explaining why they think it will be enjoyed, having made a judgement about what type of books might be favoured. The design and technology curriculum makes use of evaluation as pupils work through the design–make–evaluate cycle.

An image of an evaluation sheet.

An example of peer evaluation, using stars, a wish, “what went well” and “even better if”.

More resources on Evaluation by BBC 


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