
26 Μαρτίου, 2009

Πολύ μικρά κουμπιά και πλαίσια αναζήτησης στον IE8 (ειδικά σε σελίδες του google…)

Κάτω από: win issues —— ΧΡΗΣΤΟΣ ΣΑΜΟΥΗΛΙΔΗΣ @ 9:55 μμ

Since i downloaded the IE 8 through microsoft all search boxes and buttons on google and very small, so small that you cannot read the text. this appears to effect all of the google products, google, igoogle, gmail, notebook…………..

Checked various other websites and they would seem fine, live.com yahoo.co.uk etc

Everything would have been fine using IE 8 beta 2 and google would be appear fine in Opera.

Anyone else experiencing this or know haw to fix it?


Hi, I have had this issue with IE8 and finally got round to looking for a fix rather than uninstalling it. It was suprisingly easy to fix.

Go to Tools (Εργαλεία), Internet Options (Επιλογές Ιντερνετ) and select the Advanced tab(Για προχωρημένους).  Under the Browsing section(Περιήγηση) remove the tick from “Enable visual styles on buttons and controls in webpages” (Ενεργοποίηση οπτικών στυλ σε κουμπια και στοιχεία ελέγχου) and click on OK, the change should be instant.

Hope this helps

πηγή: http://www.google.com/support/forum/p/Web%20Search/thread?tid=28128a1d76b02cea&hl=en

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