
7 Νοεμβρίου, 2008

Double clicking on C Drive starts openwith window

Κάτω από: virus —— ΧΡΗΣΤΟΣ ΣΑΜΟΥΗΛΙΔΗΣ @ 4:31 μμ

Dear All when i double click my any hard drive it does not open the drive but ask which programe will open with windows show


First of all remove all the viruses if then also it ask for open with just go start run type command in that go to your C or D drive if in C drive then type dir just see if there is autorun.inf if not then in C drive itself type attrib over there you can see autorun.inf
then type attrib autorun.inf -s -h -r and then press enter after that it will again come to C drive and then type del autorun.inf and then exit and restart your computer if in D drive also do the same procedure instead of C type D.

these setting are done by many viruses which spreads thru removable media.
never double click removable drives
always right click n do explore/open

c:\del autorun.inf /a /f

The conclusion: In the “HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Drive\shell” key the default value should be “none”. (as text, not empty)


This work for me. before this, you got to make sure ur pc is clean from virus.

after that to resolve this problem, you need to get down to registry section.

1. open the registry using regedit.
2. goto HKEY_Current_User/Software/Microsoft/Windows/Current Version/Explorer/MountPoints2
3. you will see some folder with the name like this “{11b586dc-4495-11dc-86b1-0015c5683d77}”
4. explore everyone of it and you shall found a folder call shell under each of them.
5. click on the each shell folder and you will notice 1 of the Default value is set to “Open”. modify the value back to none.
6. Mission Completed


Θέμα: sfc /scannow

Άκουσα ότι η εντολή sfc /scannow στα XP ελέγχει τα αρχεία του συστήματος και αντικαθιστά όποια έχουν πρόβλημα. Μπορεί να μου δώσει κάποιος περισσότερες πληροφορίες; Προσπάθησα να εκτελέσω την εντολή και μου ζητούσε το CD των win. Σημαίνει ότι έχω κάποια προβληματικά αρχεία; Κι αν τελικά βάλω το CD και αντικατασταθούν τα αρχεία θα χαθούν ρυθμίσεις κτλ; Γενικά συνίσταται η ενέργεια αυτή ή είναι σαν να κάνεις εγκατάσταση πάνω σε win χωρίς format;

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