
My favourite myth is about the Sphinx. She had a lion’s body and she asked difficult questions to the people and if they didn’t answer right the questions she ate them.



My favourite myth is about a young man, Narcissus. One day saw his face into a lake and dived into the water and drowned. Everybody forgot his face but they all rememnber the legend and a flower took its name from him.



My favorite myth is about Perseus and Medusa. Perseus was a brave man. He killed Medusa with Athena’s help, who gave him a magic sword and shield. When Medusa looked in the magic shield she became stone.

Nicole A.


My favourite myth is Ulysses and the Sirens. Olysses and his friends went on a journey and they met some really strange creatures, the Sirens. The Sirens were half women and half fish. With their amazing voice, they hypnotized sailors. Ulysses said to his friends to put wax in his ears. They survived from the Sirens and they went back home alive.

Nicole B.


The Hydra was a monster that lived in the lake Lerni at Argolida. It had nine heads and from its mouths fire poured out. Finally Hercules and his nephew cut its heads and they put fire on them and killed the monster.

Contantinos L.


My favorite myth is about Odysseus. He was clever and imaginative. He was a hero of the Trojan war.He went through a lot. He tried to find his home for ten years. Also he had a faithful wife.

Constantinos Ch.


Stymphalian Birds

After Heracles cleaned the Augean Stables, Eurystheus sent him to defeat the Stymphalian Birds. Heracles then shot many of them with his poisoned arrows. The rest flew far away, never to return. The Argonauts would later encounter them. Heracles then brought some of the birds he had killed to Eurystheus, who then sent Heracles to capture the Cretan Bull and bring it to him.



 My favourite myth is about the «Hydra». Hercules killed the Hydra. The Hydra had seven or nine heads. It lived in Lerna and if you cut off one head they  multiplied again.




My favourite myth is Odysseus and the Sirens. This myth is very interesting. Oddydseas was very clever and very strong because he went to Sirins and returned to Ithaki alive.


Costas D.


My favourite myth is Theseus and the Minotaur. Every year seven boys and seven girls were eaten by the Minotaur. Theseus was the child of Aegeus, king of Athens. Theseus offered to go to Crete and handle the monster. There he met Ariadni and he loved her. Then he went to the maze and Ariadni gave to him a string. Then he killed the Minotaur and he came back to Athens.



Heracles and Stymfalian birds.

After Heracles cleaned the stables, Eurystheus sent him to battle the Stymfalian birds. When Heracles went to Stymfalian birds he shot many birds with his poisoned arrows. Birds he didn’t shoot flew away and they never came back again.



My favourite Greek myth is the lion of Nemea. Before he went to fight it Heracles cut one cugdel from oleaster. The lion of Nemea was a wild and angry animal. But Heracles was brave and he beat it.

Marios S.


My favorite myth is Hercules and the Hydra. Hercules went to the nest of Hydra. Hydra had seven heads. In the beggining he tried to cut all her heads, but when he did that new heads grew up. He decided after cutting her heads to burn them. With the help of his nephew Iolaos he did that and he saved the village.



My favourite myth is Hercules and his 12 feats, or labours. His father was Zeus and her mother was Alkmene. One day he went to his uncle and his king gave him 12 feats and he passed them all.



My favourite myth is about the Sphinx. She asked a lot of difficult questions to trick people. Oedipus answered one of the questions and he drove her away…

Sophia K.


My favourite myth is Polyphemus. Odysseus gave him wine and then remove his eye.



My favourite myth is about Atlantis. It was an island but it sank after a big disaster.



My favourate myth is about the Nemea lion. Finally Heracles killed it.

Aggelos K.


My favourite myth is Hydra, because it is a beautiful myth.



My favourite myth is the Minotaur. One day one boy, Theseus,
went to Crete and killed the Minotaur.






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