Jack’s story

Policeman: So, Mr. Smith, were you in Central London yesterday afternoon?
Jack: Yes, I was. You see, I work at a restaurant in Oxford Street.
Policeman: Where were you at four o’ clock in the afternoon, then?
Jack: I was at work.
Policeman: Were you really? Your boss told us you were out.
Jack: Hm, well yes, I was outside for a while…
Policeman: What time did you leave the restaurant?
Jack: Well, I don’t remember exactly, but I think it was at about 3.30.
Policeman: I see. And what time did you get back?
Jack: Well, first I went to a café to buy some donuts, then I met my boss’ s brother to give
him some documents and then I went back to work…
Policeman: What time did you arrive at the restaurant, then?
Jack: Well, at about four, I guess….
Policeman: But your boss said you didn’t get back until five o’ clock, Mr. Smith!
Jack: Well, I don’t know really, you see I didn’t have my watch on, so….
Policeman: So where were you between half past three and five?
Jack: Well, as I said before, I was at the café and then at my boss’s brother’s office…
Policeman: How long did you stay in the office?
Jack: Hm, for about forty-five minutes, I suppose…
Policeman: But your boss’s brother told us you stayed in his office for only a couple of minutes!
Jack: Well, yes, I stayed in his office for only a few minutes, but ….
Policeman: But what, Mr. Smith?
Jack: Well, you see, my girlfriend works in that office, so… I had a little chat with her…
Policeman: A chat? How long did that chat last? One hour?
Jack: Hm, you see, we also had a cup of coffee at a café nearby.
Policeman: Mr. Smith, something in your story doesn’t make much sense, I’m afraid.
Jack: But why? Why won’t you believe me? What’s wrong with some coffee? Can’t I have some coffee with my girlfriend for a change?

Κατηγορίες: -E Class, Χωρίς κατηγορία. Προσθήκη στους σελιδοδείκτες.

2 Responses to Jack’s story

  1. Ο/Η kostas bekis λέει:

    My favourite myth is Oddyseas and Sirines.This Myth is very intresting.Oddydseas was very clever and very stronge because he went to Sirines and rutern to Ithaki alive

  2. Ο/Η marina λέει:

    My favourite myth is Hidra, because is beatiful myth.

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