Fleet: ships
Legion: military unit
Infantry: regiment of foot soldiers
Defense: protection against attack
Shallowness: lack of depth
Repulse: force away
Defeat: win
troops: soldiers
oath: promise
invasion: forced entry
overwhelming: great, huge
conquest: capture
deposit: accumulation of minerals etc.
lead: element
pipe: tube
Wheat: grain
Bustling: with many people
Cavalry: soldiers on horseback
English Channel: waterway in Europe
withdraw: retreat
reinforcements: support
revolt: rise up in protest
Minster: Cathedral
Column: support
Nave: central aisle
Proclaim: announce
Commemorate: honour
Erect: put up
Gritstone: type of stone
Moulded: formed into a certain shape
Transept: cross-aisle of a church
Dean: head cleric
Excavation: act of digging