Anglo-Saxon Britain and York

Inhabitant: resident

Province: region

Collapse: fall

Vacuum: emptiness

Territory: region

Rule: govern

Flood: water

Ancestor: predecessor

Oar: a long pole with a wide, flat part at one end, used for rowing a boat

Row: to cause a boat to move through water by pushing against the water with oars

Sail: a sheet of material attached to a pole on a boat to catch the wind and make the boat move

Secular: not religious

Intact: complete and in the original state

Vault: arch

Backfill: refill with soil

Rampart: wall fortification

Rubble: bits of brick, stone etc

Oolit: sedimentary rock

Brick: rock for construction

Mural: a large picture that has been painted on the wall of a room or building

Sentry: guard

Artillery: heavy weapons

Archer: person using bow and arrow

Plaque: a flat piece of metal, stone, wood, or plastic with writing on it that is attached to a wall, door, or other object.

Inconsequential: of no significance

Abut: support

Reign: time of king, queen

Stump: the part of something (as a tooth or a pencil) that remains after the rest has been removed, lost, or worn away

Albeit: although

Latitude: distance from equator

Longitude: position east or west

Latitude and Longitude: global position