A thought-provoking video

In this scene, Lucas and his ant friend Zoc are lying on the ground at night, staring at a lit-up city in the distance. Zoc asks, “So this city of yours, it’s like a nest?”

“Well, yeah,” Lucas answers. “Kind of.”

“And the humans that live there are all brothers working together for the greatness of their colony?”

“Well, not exactly. It’s a little more like, you know, every man for himself.”

“But that’s so primitive,” Zoc chides. “How does anything get done?”

“Some people work together.”

“Some. Why not all?”

“I suppose it’s because of their differences.”

“But it’s the differences that make a colony strong. Foragers, scouts, drones, nurses, regurgitators—all are different, but an essential part of the whole. This is where we ants draw our strength.”