Angela Karavas's blog

Άλλος ένας ιστότοπος

Άρθρα με ετικέτα Projects


Μάι 201625


Παρουσίαση Πολιτιστικού Προγράμματος–E-Magazine

Μάι 201625

[slideboom id=1473010&w=425&h=370]

E-MAGAZINE: A presentation

Μάι 201624


Μαρ 201627

[slideboom id=1423230&w=425&h=370]  

Spring/Summer issue of the English Language Class Magazine

Ιούν 201511

C’ Class students created the second issue of their magazine. I wish my students all the best. Leaving Junior High School is difficult because the are taking a big leap into the “unknown”. May they be healthy, become wealthy and even more, WISE!

Our English magazine

Ιούν 20156

C’ Class students created their English Language Magazine. Lots of topics to read about in this issue. Enjoy yourselves!  

B Class Project

Μάι 201523

Taking advantage of a class lesson, students in B Class-beginner level- wrote about their favourite animal. Here is their work. [slideboom id=1244113&w=425&h=370]

C Class Project Work

Μάι 201521

Students in groups of 4 or 5 conducted a survey. They chose a specific question and then went out and asked at least 20 people that question. They recorded the answers. Here is their work. [slideboom id=1249595&w=425&h=370]

Project work in English – School Year 2011-2012

Μάι 201116

C΄ Class students were asked to conduct a survey by asking a simple question: Which electrical appliances are used the most in your house after 5 p.m.? Each class was divided into groups of two to five students and had to interview twenty people of different ages and status so that their research could have […]

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