France – Ecole Maternelle Saint Exupéry Marly le Roi – The farewell picnic!

On the 2nd of July, 50 pupils spent a day outside in the park closed to our school.
Under the fresh shadow of linen and chestnut trees they had play many outdoor games. The oldest children helped the youngest and explained the rules.
Finally after a lots of effort every one had the pleasure to eat a healthy picnic with many parents who came for an hour to share the pleasure of being outside and spend time together before going on holidays!!

Greece-1o Nipiagogeio Voulas – Day conference for the coordinators of Strategic Partnerships by the Greek National Agency

On the 1rst of July 2019 the Greek National Agency, State Scholarships Foundation (IKY)

organised with great professionalism a day conference for the coordinators of Erasmus+ Strategic Partnerships – Co-operation for Innovation and the Exchange of Good Practices in the field of education dedicated to final report and dissemination of the projects. Our coordinator Vassiliki Anagnostou participated with joy, had the opportunity to meet colleagues coordinators of other Erasmus+ projects, exchanged thoughts and ideas regarding European programmes and discussed about learning outside the classroom in the European nature. It was a successful meeting among active teachers who love Erasmus+ projects!

Italy-Ottolenghi Pre-primary school- Concert in the open air!

The visit to the Ottolenghi Pre-primary school was full of surprises! A classroom with a rainbow in every corner and a garden with arts and crafts everywhere composed a perfect scenery. A concert was organized to be presented in the open air and students were proud to be the greatest musicians! Their teachers and their maestro guided them to play their instruments like an authentic orchestra and the audience was happy to hear it. We all felt very lucky to listen to the classical music from the “orchestra dei sogni”!

Italy-Besurica Pre-primary school-‘Ritmia’ program in the European nature!

The second day of our transnational meeting in Piacenza we enjoyed a “matinee” full of music! We visited the Besurica Pre-Primary School where we were invited to follow the program “Ritmia” in its garden. In a theatrical scenery with trees decorated with colorful ribbons, the teacher of “ritmia” lesson showed us a unique way to combine movements, voice, and rhythms. Synthia, the creator of this great program, prompted all the partners to participate, move and relax with the students of her class. It was an unforgettable experience and the best way to start our day in the Italian nature!

Another surprise was expecting us inside the school. A homemade Erasmus+ cake gave a sweet flavor to our staying in Besurica pre-primary school!