Name | PYXIDA |
Website | |
Contact Details | 2310202015 |
Role in the project / How they will support New Chapter | In school staff training 20 hour programme parents school, teens parents teachers councelling |
Name | Municipality of Neapolis-Sykeon |
Website | |
Contact Details | 2313 313103 |
Role in the project / How they will support New Chapter | As a dissemination agent through the municipalty journal that reaches at least 50.000 homes, press releases about our major events. |
Name | School Parents Association |
Website | |
Contact Details | 6948871428 |
Role in the project / How they will support New Chapter | As dissemination agent and as assistant organizers to our major events |
Name | Expressive Art Exhibition Project |
Website | |
Contact Details | @ExpressiveArtExhibition |
Role in the project / How they will support New Chapter | They provide the opportunity for our school participants to express artistically the values of the project and they also act as a dissemination agent. |
Name | ΚΕΑΤ Κέντρον Εκπαιδεύσεως και Αποκαταστάσεως Τυφλών |
Websit | |
Contact Details | 2310 844888 |
Role in the project / How they will support New Chapter | They provide the opportunity for our school participants to familiarize themselves with physically challenged people. They will also act as a dissemination agent. |