
Polish School Activities













The first STEAM year at Polish school 2017/2018

Links to short  movies  from STEAM Activities?/Welcome to our school short movie


Presentations about our school and Poland. created by students






September 2017

In September we focused on gathering knowledge about partner countries/schools. We created posters about Estonia, Greece, Spain and Italy. These posters are displayed on the school corridor, so also the students who are not engaged in the project have the opportunity to learn about our partners’ countries. We have prepared also ERASMUS+ corner and promotion of the project on the main entrance. The poster says ” In this school, we are working  with Estonia, Greece, Spain and Italy in  ERASMUS+ project called “STEAM Children Engineers Academy”

We have created a project banner with photos from all partner schools and we have also a LOGO contest


October 2017

Younger students start coding in STUDIO CODE.  Polish coordinator created a “virtual classroom” in this programme, so we can follow everybody progress.

September-October photo gallery

In October 2017 we continued working on project activities and additionally we celebrated Halloween and wanted to share this event with partners. We had the contests for the most scary costume, classroom and the best jack o’lantern.
Below you can watch short videos from this event.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K6o6NvLd1Z0&feature=youtu.bev
November 2017

 In November we host teachers from partner countries in our school. it was first face to face meeting of all coordinators who were working online since October 2016. We revised the whole application form and made decisions concerning the work for the first year of collaboration.


We continued coding in StudioCODE. What’s more, each pupil was assisted by the fourth-grade students. The older students are experienced in coding, so they could help younger.   Students aged 10- 14 discovered facts about being an engineer. We work on Engineer Design Process.

December 2017
In December we worked on water transport. Students tried to discover and explain/understand why object afloat and how do they sink in the water. They also researched if the object behaves the same in fresh/salty and sweet water. They searched if it is connected with the presence of salt/sugar.
They also tried to answer why some objects are floating and some sinks/drown.Another task was to create a “ship for potato”. Students worked in groups. Each group got the same set of things and their task was to create out of two balloons.
You can see the joy of young inventors!
One of the aims of this activity was to foster team work, persistence and cooperation.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U8KbckQHPJY&t=2sDuring the next project lesson, we were working on Cartesius diver.
The Objectives of this activity were:
– To demonstrate the understanding of Pascal’s Law and Archimedes’ principle.
– To use a Cartesian diver based on the understanding of density, buoyancy and pressure.
– To foster team work, persistence and cooperation.
also, this time students were divided into groups, each group received the same set of materials and their task was to create a diver which can be controlled by the inventors:)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XlHxK3E_XA0&t=2s

November _ December ’18 S.T.E.A.M. Activities
Here is a short movie of the STEAM activities that took place in our school over the last two months of 2018.



January 2018

  • 9th of February was an exciting day for 17 girls from Primary School in Czasław. We visited OCADO TECHNOLOGY KRAKÓW.  Ocado is an international programming company with offices in the United Kingdom, Bulgaria, Spain and Poland. The girls had a chance to observe how programmers work. We have had many workshops and presentations. They were provided by male and female programmers. Especially an interview with five young women was interesting. Girls have asked many questions about their job.  Now students are aware of how important is to learn subjects connected with science, ICT and English.  One of the young female programmers has taught our students how to write the programme in Phyton.  We were working online at a pizza shop. Our host took care of everything. They showed us the whole office, the relax zones, sports zone, etc  They also have done their best to provide comfortable space for our girls, so they had time for some sports activities, second breakfast and even delicious lunch.


  • OCADO KRAKOW Video Gallery

In January 2018 we have the whole day excursion to Ocado Technology. We visited their offices in Kraków. The meeting was organised mostly for girls. In Kraków Office people work mostly with technology to improve or design new solution for Ocado. Ocado is a British online supermarket. In contrast to its main competitors, the company has no chain of stores and does all home deliveries from its warehouses. Ocado has been voted the best online supermarket in the UK by Which? readers every year since 2010. The company was floated on the London Stock Exchange on 21 July 2010, and is a member of the FTSE 100 Index.

Our students had the possibility to observe how people work at the Ocado offices. They have met young women who told them about their carrier. Ocado workers also organised coding workshops for girls from Czasław. We used Phyton programe to design program for choosing different kid of pizza. At the end students were been given some small presents and …. pizzas for lunch!

Short movie from the visit


January 2018 photo gallery

February 2018/Coding time

Older students help younger with starting coding.

In February we were continuing our adventure with coding.


Coding time photo gallery.
STEAM Winter Camp in Polish School
The STEAM winter camp lasted for three days 12,14,15 January 2019. Pupils did experiments, learnt some ICT skills, played Kahoot, quizlet live and had a lot of fun! Here is what we did:
March 2018

Ιn March we learn in interactive way. The first grade revised body parts using Kahoot and Quizizz.

It was a lot of fun!


April 2018

In April we tried to create a boat enpowered by tealight.

We work hard but not every team manage to do it:( It was a difficult task.
The Objectives of this activity were:

– follow the instructions written in English

– construct the boat which is moving using a tealight
– To foster team work, persistence and cooperation.
also, this time students were divided into groups, each group received the same set of materials and their task was to create a diver which can be controlled by the inventors:)


We also learn some Science through English and Quizizz application.

March-April 2018 photo gallery



June 2018

During our meetings, we revised some science-using quizlet live for improving teamwork.

We also played Maths board or rather floor games. We also were coding without the Internet. We play battle shop created by us 🙂 They were huge! We were counting and improving mental maths through Finnish game molky!


Summer Camp 2018 at Polish School

It took place from 28 June 30 June.

We worked on electricity, aviation, conducted some scientific experiments- trying explain how and why.

summer camp part 1


summer camp part 2


summer camp part 3


summer camp part 4


summer camp part 5


summer camp part 6


summer camp part 7







Part 1
ERASMUS+ STEAM Children Engineers Academy/ Greece, Poland, Spain, Estonia and Italy
 Summer Camp at Polish school 
Young Engineers are creating towers. At first, using toothpicks and marshmallows. The second activity purpose is to build the highest construction using 5 straws and tape. A lot of fun and creativity! Have a look!!
Part 2
Young Engineers are having fun creating soap bubbles. Then we were constructing fans. Have a look!
Part 3
Older students were creating the highest construction using 6 toothpicks and plasticine. Have a look!!
Part 4
Young Engineers are creating jet engines! Have a look!!!
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