
Hi there! This is an e-mail from my friend Lauren who lives in Brussels, Belgium and goes to the fifth grade. Read it and answer the questions.

Hi everyone! I’ve got exciting news! Today my school received a Green Flag! It’s now flying over the school assembly hall. What’s a Green Flag? Well, it was given to us by Eco-schools, an international organization which promotes eco-friendly schools. In the past year we’ve installed recycling bins in the school corridors and each classroom has energy-efficient bulbs. Also, every Friday is ‘Travel Smart Day’. That’s when everyone who lives close by -both students and teachers- walks or rides bicycles to school instead of coming by car. Does anyone else go to an Eco-school?                                                           Lauren


  1. Do you go to an Eco-school?
  2. What do you think about Eco-schools organisation?
  3. What can you do to make your school more eco-friendly? Name 2 things.


15 σχόλια στο “Eco-schools!

  1. 1. No, I don’t.
    2. I think it’s a good thing being ecologically friendly.
    3. a. We can grow a garden with fruit and vegetables.
    b. We can recycle paper

  2. 1) No, I don’t
    2) Eco schools organisation is very helpful for the environment.
    3) We can put recycling bins, we can have lessons in the schoolyard when it’s sunny.

  3. 1) No,I don’t

    2) We think that the Eco Schools is very helpful the organise

    3) We can have lessons in the schoolyard and recycle paper,glass,alluminium,plastic

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