go out (together), (with somebody) = go on a date with somebody, have a romantic relationship with somebody
- They had been going out together for three years before they got married.
- How long have you and John been going out together?
- She used to go out with Susan ‘s brother but they broke up.
- My brother has been going out with a girl he met at the train station.
let (myself) in for = put yourself in an unpleasant situation
- When I gave him my phone number, I didn ‘t know what I was letting myself in for. He kept calling me and asking me out.
- When I lent her money, I didn ‘t know what I was letting myself in for. She pretended she didn ‘t owe me anything!
- She didn ‘t know what she was letting herself in for when she invited Tony and Jake to her party. They drank too much and caused many problems.
- When they took that loan they certainly didn ‘t know what they were letting themselves in for.
- So he has decided to go to law school? He is letting himself in for a lot of work.
- I hear you are going to build your house yourselves. You are letting yourselves in for a lot of work.
- You trust him? I hope you know what you ‘re letting yourself in for! He is not to be trusted.
- If you lend him your father’s car, you ‘re letting yourself in for a lot of trouble. He is a careless driver.
- If I had known what I was letting myself in for, I ‘d never have signed the contract.