Αρχική » Άρθρα με ετικέτα 'Develop'

Αρχείο ετικέτας Develop

Learning zones

The initial six learning zones exist in the FCL today and each of them focuses on a different approach or aspect of teaching and learning. They encourage those exploring the FCL to consider the physical space, resources, the changing roles of students and teachers, and how to support different learning styles. Collectively, the zones provide a way to visualise how different, innovative pedagogical approaches that incorporate ICT can be implemented in classrooms and across a whole school. The zones reflect what good teaching should be about: being connected, being involved, and being challenged.


Develop zone

The Develop zone is a space for informal learning and self-reflection. Students can carry out school work independently at their own pace, but they can also learn informally while concentrating on their own interests outside of the formal classroom settings both at school and at home. By providing ways to foster self-directed learning, the school supports learners’ self-reflection and meta-cognition skills. The school encourages its students towards true lifelong learning by acknowledging and validating informal learning.

Key points for Develop


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