Αρχική » 2021 » Ιούνιος

Αρχείο μηνός Ιούνιος 2021

Vocational school for transport and transportation management in Kazanlak

Vocational scbghool for transport and transportation management in Kazanlak is a school with over 60 years of history. Since its creation in 1956, the school has undergone many stages of transformation and has become a modern competitive educational institution with established prestige and authority in the rapidly changing conditions of the educational process, capable of forming students` knowledge, skills, national and human virtues in their preparation for socialization and professional realization. The high school offers training in four specialties: “Business Informatics”; “Automotive Mechatronics”; “Haulage Technic” and “Electrical Equipment for Transportation Technic”. In order to make our education more flexible and to keep our children in school, we also offer the possibility of an independent form of education. (περισσότερα…)

Association „Testvérvárosok Baráti Egyesülete”

The Association „Testvérvárosok Baráti Egyesülete” is situated in Jászberény, a region of central Hungary called Jászság. The town is located about 70 km from Budapest, the capital of Hungary, on the Zagyva river and it has the the highest number of Roma inhabitants of Hungary. The Association, which is a nonprofit organisation, was established in 2006 with the purpose to melt the twin cities of Jászberény into one organisation. It has contributed to maintain the several decades of friendship among the nine twin towns through different activities thus strengthening awareness of active European citizenship, solidarity, tolerance and social inclusion. (περισσότερα…)

Szolnoki Muszaki SZC Klapka Gyorgy Szakgimnáziuma és Szakközépiskolája

Our town is located in the middle of Hungary, about 100km from the capital, Budapest. Now six secondary schools belong to a school center. Our school has about 500 students at the secondary and adult levels of education, the school offers about 15 professions, e.g. waiters, cooks, cabinet makers, turners…etc. Our school includes vocational school, where they study for three years and ends in a professional examination and a four-year technical school with a matriculation examination.
Many of our students, mainly the Roma students are deprived from opportunities such as taking part in cultural life, intercultural exchanges and dialogue.



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