Toyland: Desgning & Printing toys on a 3D printer – March April Acitivity


Συγγραφέας: ΠΟΠΗ ΠΑΤΣΑΤΖΗ | Κατηγορία Etwinning, ToyLand: a STEAM journey in time | , στις 16-03-2023

March’s activities include designing – printing toys on a 3D printer.

tinkercad logo Toyland tinkercad

We will use  to create our designs.

Student instructions

Class link:

  1. Go to your class with this link:
  2. Enter your Nickname assigned by your teacher.

Class code:

  1. Go to
  2. Enter the class code: JNXVDZ1GV
  3. Enter your Nickname assigned by your teacher.

Before starting your designs check out following links:

  1. Tinkercad Lessons 
  2. Robot  Design 
  3. Mushroom House
  4. More Designs  
  5. Create a Keychain Name Tag with TEXT

Tinkercad Basic Tutorials:

The students on work:

collage tinkercad on work

collage tinkercad on work 2

tinker1 tinker2 tinker3 tinker4 tinker5 tinker6

Δείτε εδώ τις πρώτες 3d εκτυπώσεις:

Μετάβαση στο

collage st3 3d prints 2

collage 2 3δ

collage στ2

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