Artificial Intelligence is a general category. In a diagram, Artificial Intelligence would be the bigger, encapsulating circle that contains Machine and Deep Learning. AI is basically any intelligence demonstrated by a machine that leads it to an optimal or suboptimal solution given a problem. 

Perhaps it is our human nature to blame for painting the unknown with shades of fear or unrealistic expectations. But it is also possible that the unknown that AI brings into our future has a darker side than we used to believe.
So, here are two videos with Joe Rogan and Elon Musk on the subject of AI, its development and ultimately its place in our lives.
In the first one, dated back in 2018, Elon provides some insights about the potentials that AI does have.
In the second video the talk focuses mainly on Neuralink, an integrated brain-machine interface platform with thousands of channels.
The choice of his words is indeed interesting:
“…We are the biological bootloader for AI. Effectively we are building it, and then we’re building progressively greater intelligence and the percentage of intelligence that is not human is increasing and eventually we will represent a very small percentage of intelligence.”
“I tried to convince people to slow down, slow down AI. To regulate AI. This was futile. I tried for years – nobody, nobody listened.”
“It could be terrible and it could be great, it’s not clear. But one thing is for sure we will not control it.”

1) Joe Rogan and Elon Musk on Artificial Intelligence. (Sep 2018)
2) Joe Rogan and Elon Musk – Details About Neuralink, his Brain Implant Technology (May 2020)

see also:
AI, Machine Learning, & Deep Learning Explained in 5 Minutes, Medium, (2020).

Neuralink Brain-Machine Interface (,
Max Ehrmann, Desiderata (C), 1952.