Η φυσική δρστηριότητα διαδραματίζει σημαντικό ρόλο στην υγεία .Οι φυσικά δραστήριοι άνθρωποι είναι περισσότερο δραστήριοι και παραγωγικοί ,έχουν μεγαλύτερες πιθανότητες για μακροζωία και αποφυγή ασθενειών και τραυματισμών.

Τα παιδιά και οι έφηβοι πρέπει να αφιερώνουν καθημερινά τουλάχιστον 60 λεπτά σε μέτριας έντασης ΦΔ( γρήγορο περπάτημα,jogging) και 3 φορές την εβδομάδα σε έντονες αερόβιες δραστηριότητες(κολύμπι,ποδηλασία,τρέξιμο<σε δραστηριότητες που αυξάνουν τη δύναμη των μυών (γυμναστική,push ups, sit-ups, βάρη, ανέβασμα σκάλας), )και των οστών(σχοινάκι,τρέξιμο ,yoga ) διάρκειας το ελάχιστο μιας ώρας.

Be active – At home, at school, at play – Inside or outside – With family and friends
Here’s the deal: You want to have lots of energy? Feel healthy and strong? Feel good about yourself? Just move!

Combining aerobic and strengthening activities will improve your health and well-being. Aerobic activities make you breathe deeper, and your heart beat faster.
Get stronger by doing activities that build muscles and bones .

Adding more physical activity to your day improves your health, and it’s fun.

Move more to
improve your fitness
build stronger bones and muscles
improve your posture and balance
have a strong heart
help with healthy growth and development
improve your self-esteem
increase your concentration
do better at school
reduce your stress
improve your mental health
meet new friends and hang out with old ones!

What activities you choose to do is up to you. Here are some tips to get you moving:
Walk, run or bike instead of getting a ride – to school, the mall, your friend’s house.
Find something you enjoy — run, jump, swim, skateboard, snowboard, ski, skate, toboggan.
Take yoga, hip-hop, or aerobics classes.
Try indoor rock climbing, play soccer, ride a bike.
Take the dog for a walk.
Dance to your favourite music.
Rake the leaves, shovel snow, carry the groceries home.
Join a team at your school.
Choose activities you like or be creative and try something new.

Are you up for the challenge?
Set physical activity goals with your friends and your family.
Ask your parents to sign you up for a class you like or want to try.
Try something new, exciting, difficult or challenging

Type of Physical Activity Children & Adolescents
Moderate–intensity •Active recreation such as hiking,
aerobic skateboarding, rollerblading
•Bicycle riding
•Walking to school

•Active recreation, such as canoeing, hiking, cross-country skiing, skateboarding, rollerblading
•Brisk walking
•Bicycle riding (stationary or road bike)
•House and yard work such as sweeping or pushing a lawn mower
•Playing games that require catching and throwing, such as baseball, softball, basketball and volleyball

Vigorous –intensity aerobic •Active games involving running and chasing, such as tag
•Bicycle riding
•Jumping rope
•Martial arts, such as karate
•Sports such as ice or field hockey, basketball, swimming, tennis or gymnastics
•Active games involving running and chasing, such as flag football, soccer
•Bicycle riding
•Jumping rope
•Martial arts such as karate
•Sports such as tennis, ice or field hockey, basketball, swimming
•Vigorous dancing
•Cheerleading or gymnastics

Muscle-strengthening •Games such as tug of war
•Modified push-ups (with knees on the floor)
•Resistance exercises using body weight or resistance bands
•Rope or tree climbing
•Swinging on playground equipment/bars
•Games such as tug of war
•Resistance exercises with exercise bands, weight machines, hand-held weights
•Rock climbing
•Cheerleading or Gymnastics

Bone-strengthening •Games such as hop-scotch
•Hopping, skipping, jumping
•Jumping rope
•Sports such as gymnastics, basketball, volleyball, tennis
•Hopping, skipping, jumping
•Jumping rope
•Sports such as gymnastics, basketball, volleyball, tennis

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