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Greek NSS for eTwinning

Posted by ΜΑΡΙΑ on June 13, 2010

Launched in 2005 as the main action of the European Commission’s eLearning Programme, eTwinning has been firmly integrated in the Lifelong Learning Programme since 2007. Its Central Support Service is operated by European Schoolnet, an international partnership of 26 European Ministries of Education developing learning for schools, teachers and pupils across Europe. eTwinning is further supported at national level by 30 National Support Services.
from An Overview of eTwinning-The Community for schools in Europe

The NSS role is to represent and promote the eTwinning Action locally. Their main activities include:

the training of eTwinning ambassadors, that is an eTwinning representative body of teachers across the country
the organisation of information events
the participation in decision-making for the prospects of eTwinning Action along with the rest NSSs, the Central Support Service (CSS) and the European Commission representative
the organisation of professional development workshops for teachers who have already taken up an eTwinning project, but also for those who wish to do so. Such seminars aim to enhance European schools collaboration with the support of ICT.
the monitoring and evaluation of national partnerships eTwinning projects
the national award-giving ceremony for the best eTwinning projects annually

The Greek NSS can be reached by the web address, the email at, by telephone number 801 11 38946 and mailform. To stay tuned with interesting news, you have the option of subscribing to the NSS NewsLetter, to the RSS or even you could access their archive for some background information.

The Greek NSS has lately initiated a course of 3-week online seminars (on the moodle platform) to meet the eTwinning teachers’ needs. After a press release announcement, interested candidates are asked to complete an online application form to attend the seminar. The selection process is in priority order while the accepted number of trainees can range from 25 to 50. This means that you need to be on the alert. After successful completion of the seminar, certificates of attendance are provided.
So far the Greek NSS has held a seminar on the project methodogy of eTwinning and its effective implementation in the school curriculum (26/04/2010 – 16/05/2010) while a new one starts from tomorrow till 4 July 2010. Its learning objectives are getting teachers familiar with some Web 2.0 tools (Gmail, FlashMeeting, Blogger) as alternative ways to Twinspace and Twinblog working environments.The next seminar is going to be about Multimedia tools (Gimp and Movie Maker) for eTwinning (21/06/2010 to 11/07/2010). The opening date for applications’ submission is June, 14th 12pm and the deadline is June, 16th.
Even if you have missed those, you should feel lucky because more online seminars are going to be held. So, be generous and spread the news…..

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