This week’s topic: Bullying

Bullying is a serious problem in many communities. Maybe you have been the victim of bullying or you know someone who has been bullied. Possibly, you are aware of bullying problems in your school or neighborhood and want to do something about it.

What Is Bullying?

Bullying is unwanted, aggressive behavior among school aged children that involves a real or perceived power imbalance. The behavior is repeated, or has the potential to be repeated, over time. Both kids who are bullied and who bully others may have serious, lasting problems.

In order to be considered bullying, the behavior must be aggressive and include:

  • An Imbalance of Power: Kids who bully use their power—such as physical strength, access to embarrassing information, or popularity—to control or harm others. Power imbalances can change over time and in different situations, even if they involve the same people.
  • Repetition: Bullying behaviors happen more than once or have the potential to happen more than once.


Words hurt, too

Bullying includes actions such as making threats, spreading rumors, attacking someone physically or verbally, and excluding someone from a group on purpose.

Homework: Read the following text on Bullying and do the exercises.

School systems. Are we just another brick in the wall?

Discipline in the school classroom.

The following video could be used as a starting point in a discussion about school systems and discipline within them.

After viewing the video clip we could ask students questions such as:

  • How would you explain the phrase “We don’t need no education?”
  • What are the pupils wearing? How are the teachers behaving towards them?
  • What is the lesson like? Is it based on initiative or repetition?
  1. What do the bricks and the wall stand for? What happens in the end and why?
  2. How would you describe the Greek educational system?

You can watch the video here
